A0211: What is a person’s inner being?
The inner being is not often mentioned, because the people of the earth still do not know what this inner being is supposed to represent. We will now explain what this inner being is. We will first briefly explain what you are and then explain what the inner being represents.
You are an embodied incarnation. An incarnation is created by a soul and like the soul is an independent being. You as an incarnation decided a long time ago to live a life on earth. That is why you are here in this body at this time. When the soul created you, we mean when it took something away from herself to create the incarnation that you are in the spiritual world, it also created the Shadow I of you. As with the Creator, an image of the frequency spectrum of the soul at that time was created, which we call the Shadow I. The soul has a rich frequency spectrum that changes every time. If the soul learns something new, this frequency spectrum is expanded by new frequency patterns. If the soul creates the image of its frequency pattern, then these frequency patterns are stored statically, they will not change anymore. The Shadow I is a snapshot of the soul’s frequency spectrum, by this we mean that if the soul is extremely kind, the frequency pattern of goodness is strongly represented in the image. If the soul is angry at this time, the frequency pattern of anger is strongly represented in the Shadow I. You as an incarnation will receive these frequency patterns in a weakened form if you were created from an energy package, the frequency patterns from the Shadow I and part of the life spark of the soul. Everything that makes you special is predetermined in the Shadow I as a sequence of frequency patterns. However, you are not yet powerful as a soul, so you only get the weakened frequency patterns from the Shadow I and you will grow based on the sequence of the frequency patterns during your existence. One day you are extremely powerful, so that the weakened frequency patterns in your frequency spectrum are getting stronger, so that we could say that the new frequency patterns are as strong as the frequency patterns in the Shadow I image. You then, as a spiritual being, came closer and closer to the original soul that once created you. But you are not the original soul, although many would say that you are of the same kind because you would probably behave the same way. This has to do with the fact that the incarnation has reached the frequency spectrum of the soul. The soul has also evolved, just like you, but you share the same “genes” in the form of your frequency patterns in your frequency spectra. If you are alike on many points, you might think that part of you is the same because you would behave the same way. This same part in an incarnation and in a soul is not yet the inner being, but is close to it.
If the incarnation exists and has its first experiences in the spiritual world, then it will develop. Every development also changes a being. These changes are recognizable as frequency patterns in the frequency spectrum of a being. When the being changes, it will experience a change based on its frequency patterns. The change is placed on the existing frequency patterns so that the original frequency patterns are only amplified but not weakened. This means that everything that lets you grow only reinforces the fundamental frequency patterns that you have received from your soul through the Shadow I. If the basic frequency of anger was stored there, you can only get angrier, but never more relaxed. That is the difficulty of a soul when it decides to create an incarnation. If she has problems because she is angry about something, then this frequency pattern will be adopted by the new incarnation and we would think that this incarnation will only annoy her whole existence and it will never get better.
Why do we tell all this, we ask? Every person has inherited these fundamental frequency patterns from their incarnation and everything you will ever be is predetermined in these basic frequency patterns. The writer is extremely stubborn and many frequency patterns of his previous incarnation are to blame, but we would also say that in the past few years the writer has strengthened the frequency patterns that are responsible for this stubbornness. If the writer tried to stop being so stubborn, he would not succeed because his frequency patterns could not be weakened. Therefore, the writer is always stubborn, unless he continues to develop and compensates for his current stubbornness with more composure.
If the frequency pattern for serenity becomes stronger, then this frequency pattern overwrites the frequency pattern for stubbornness, which will then be reflected in the behavior of the writer. We also think we have to say that the frequency patterns for stubbornness are strong when we argue with him again, otherwise he is very relaxed. But all of these frequency patterns are only amplified by each individual person over time. If an unpleasant frequency pattern gets out of hand, it cannot be weakened again, but can only be overwritten by another frequency pattern.
The sum of the frequency patterns describes the behavior of a being. The fundamental frequency pattern of a being always reveals the inner being of a person. Everything that can be done with this inner being is to reinforce it. You are now and in the future you will only reinforce the fundamental frequency patterns within you. Hopefully the writer will increase his basic frequency for serenity with us, that would make things a lot easier. This fundamental frequency is the inner being of you. It is contained in you as a person, after your death this inner being will be in you if you are an incarnation again. The soul created the inner being through the image of its frequency spectrum when it created the Shadow I and the inner being will determine your behavior until the end of all days. You can develop and learn a lot. Serenity is good for everyone, but your inner being will never change.
If you want to know whether a decision is right or wrong, you can listen deeply to yourself, then this fundamental frequency will tell you the answer, because everything that makes you special is contained in these frequency patterns.