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A0151: What are the positions of the demon faction?
The demon faction has many different opinions on the actual viewpoints. However, many points of view are fixed, so that the demons had to choose and choose one of the different opinions as this point of view. Nevertheless, they still have different opinions internally on the individual points of view, so there are many disputes about it. We would say that they are all undecided, which always leads to confusion when they present their views on the subject to the other groups. Nothing is more confusing when a demon loudly voices “its” point of view and another demon says the opposite in the course of the debate. You are undecided and that is the intention. Nothing is more wonderful than watching demons, angels and devils grappling, which always makes for a great entertainment factor. Nonetheless, the debates are fierce and serious, but the demons are a show that nobody wants to miss. That is why there are many beings present in such debates who do not really know what it is about, but enjoy the spectacle.
But now to the positions, where we would like to work out the differences to the other group positions.
- Nobody should stand above the law, every offense will be severely punished and the demons demand the harshest punishments from all other factions. If a violation of the law is discovered, the being is imprisoned. The length of the sentence is based on the seriousness of the offense. A life sentence is also planned, which the prisoner has to spend in solitary confinement until the end of every day. We ourselves, like many other beings, find this to be more than exaggerated and have been calling for such punishments to be prohibited by law for ages. Nobody, no matter what the being has done, should not be treated like this. The demons, of course, disagree about this point of view. Some of them do everything they can to support our draft law so that they do not end up in solitary confinement later. Many of the demons’ violations are not bad, but they also know that if there is a trouble in the spiritual world between demons and other faction members, they cannot trust themselves. That is why they think that they should take precautions there and hope that this bill will be adopted soon.
- Nobody has the right to hurt anyone else. This also means physical beings like you humans. Anyone who does so will face draconian penalties again. However, we think we have to say here that the penalties are not as bad as in point 1, but worse than the other factions suggest.
- The law that anyone places himself above the Creator must never be broken. Here again the actions are meant and not your own opinion. If someone does it anyway, he will be locked in solitary confinement for life.
- If beings harm other beings, the being must be punished. Here, of course, more severe penalties are required than with the other factions. Compensation must be paid in advance in order to compensate the injured party. After that it goes straight to execution. The sentence depends on the severity of the damage, but the creature must first be detained indefinitely. We also think that the demons have overshot the target again and many points stand in the way. The proportionality of the individual sentences is in the way and everything seems suspicious. But these are their positions, which they vehemently represent, to amuse those present. We would say that if a demon were debating with one of the amused viewers, the being would be completely different with fear.
- If you think you have to change the physical laws in one place, you can try your own cell afterwards. Anyone who does something like this doesn’t even get a real process, but is imprisoned for an indefinite period. We say that here too they disagree and some demons are trying to force a bill that prohibits this by law. They like to play and many of these misdeeds are caused by demons. They are actually trying to override anything that they enjoy and that violates their faction points by means of a draft law to protect themselves against these prison terms in the event of a faction victory.
- Persons who are influenced by the spiritual being must face long prison terms. We do not have to explain that there is also a draft law prohibiting these prison sentences by law. Do we have to say who submitted this bill? We don’t think so.
- Matter that is to be used for separate requirements must be approved in advance with a decision. Nothing should be created in this way so that the spiritual world does not expand too quickly. By this the demons mean the expansion of the universe. They firmly believe that the current part of the universe must first be brought under control before expansion continues. Of course, this meets the Wingmaker fierce resistance because they are responsible for this. Most other beings don’t have the right opinion, so this point of view is never properly debated. We would appreciate if the Wingmaker continue their work as they always have. Not only did they fill the universe with different matter, but they also provided life everywhere, you humans were also created by the wingmaker. They used the human blueprint to create earthly people from your monkeys.
- If beings act in such a way that damage has been done to other beings and they flee from imprisonment, the maximum sentence is automatically requested. Escape assistant suffer the same fate. Here too, if a bill actually becomes law that prohibits these sentences, not only the demons rejoice, all beings with few exceptions find prison sentences particularly counterproductive, so that they would always support these types of laws. Again, however, it is always the demons who block a new attempt for a draft law, whereby we must say that according to their viewpoints, the demons must always vote against it, even if they would rather be in favor of this draft law.
- Beings must always adhere to the rule of reasonable coexistence. In the event of violations, reprimand threatens. If the creature is noticed repeatedly, a short prison sentence can result. By reasonable cooperation, we mean the etiquette that should be followed. All beings from the spiritual world stick to it and so far nobody has attracted any attention, but the demons probably want to take precautions in case it gets out of hand. We think it is completely unnecessary.
- Beings who go crazy in certain situations have no right to complain afterwards. Certain rules should be followed when a being can complain. The demons have not yet formulated these rules so that no one knows what they actually mean. We think they put this point of view briefly because they don’t care about that point of view and they wanted to deal with other things. We also say that any request to clarify these rules has never been answered. You don’t have to and don’t do it either.
- The most severe punishments should be imposed on anyone who violates cosmic law. Nobody should interfere in the cosmic laws and many find this point of view okay, only the sentence is again completely exaggerated.
- Beings who think they can be more than what they really represent must be publicly rebuked. That would have a lot of impact on society and we think that nobody could develop freely and many would only pay attention to what they say. It is not a society in which one wants to live, neither in the spiritual nor in the worldly world. Nothing is worse than not being able to express yourself freely, so this is again a sign that the demons did not think far enough when they expressed this point of view.