A0149: What are the positions of the angelic faction?

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The angelic faction has many points of view on different topics. When a faction is created, it must be specified in advance what it stands for on certain prescribed topics. By this we mean the main factions and would add that many topics would not say anything to a human person at all because many topics concern the spiritual world and by that we mean levels that would completely confuse a person because people do not have the mind for it. These topics are always very complex, so that even spirit beings are often overwhelmed.

As an example, we will list a few viewpoints, but they are a very abbreviated version and are adapted so that you humans could understand them:

  1. All beings should be treated equally, regardless of their parentage.
  2. People who oppose the general norm should be punished for denying them access to many social activities. We mean that many decisions that are made are made in such social activities.
  3. No being can stand above the law. The law was signed by all beings at that time and must not be broken or reinterpreted. When someone breaks the law, the being is identified and excluded from many, if not all, social activities. If a being thinks it has to break the law, but later argues that he did not understand the law correctly, special measures are taken to prove or refute the correctness of the argument. The final verdict can be much milder than if the law was intentionally broken. We also say that not all laws have the same effect on a being if they are broken, but some are punished very, very hard. We’ll discuss the laws another time. So the writer would have a new question for us and we hope she’ll make it onto his list of priorities.
  4. Those who feel badly treated can complain about it and are always heard. There must then be a council meeting on the complaint and the result must be made public. Every being has the right to express itself and must be heard.
  5. Beings who repeatedly violate the law must be punished in a way that can guarantee that they will get better. By this we mean not only exclusion from social activities, but something that these kinds of beings fear even more. They have to incarnate on Earth and, among other things, even live several lives. Everyone who allows himself to be incarnated on earth knows beforehand that he will change, the beings fear most. If you wake up in the incarnation cube after your life, then you are the person from the earth, many of the attributes, we mean the properties of a being, you received from the incarnation at birth, but you are the person from the earth, the one resembles the original incarnation, but you are then an expanded incarnation. You get all the memories of the original incarnation and their power, but the original incarnation no longer exists.
  6. If beings think they are above the Creator, the being must be outlawed. Nobody should stand above the Creator and we mean the actions that are performed. If a being thinks it is more than the creator, then it is its own opinion, nothing speaks against it, but if it acts as if it were the creator or more, drastic measures are the reaction to it. Your so- called Satan tried and was not only outlawed with his entourage, but actually fought. Many beings take part in this on both sides and we also say that the battles are fought on many levels. Each of you was bound to be involved on one side or the other, whether as a fighter or a victim that had nothing to do with the matter. The so-called Satan is very present with his entourage and since every being can develop freely, he has to be stopped again and again. The laws were formulated and laid down by the beings at that time. The so-called Satan was against it, but bowed to the general pressure and also signed it. But now, after a long time, he is pursuing his own agenda. We would also think how can the so-called Satan become more than the Creator if he is only a partial aspect of the Creator, which is why he does not pursue this project, but rather the sole rule of the spiritual world. But all rational beings don’t want it, that’s why this eternal struggle, also with proxy wars on planets and other levels.
  7. Beings must not interfere with the free will of other beings. By this we also mean the free will of people on earth. If people are forced to do something, we mean from the spiritual world, it is a violation of the law. The exception here would be that the incarnation has contractually recorded this fact according to its life plan. The compulsion to do something against free will is outlawed in the spiritual world and beings who do it anyway are clearly identified. Nothing is worse than shaming someone’s free will like you do on Earth, but that’s another topic.
  8. If beings are careless and harm someone else, it is not only examined, but also punished. We explained the penalties earlier, so we won’t go into them here.
  9. Under no circumstances should beings who want to develop further be prevented, unless they have been punished beforehand and have to postpone further development as punishment.
  10. There are different laws in the universe, no being is allowed to change anything, unless the high advice about it has decided so.
  11. The emergence of new forms of life in the universe must not be impaired. We mean that every being has power and with this power, for example, evolution in one area on a planet could be harmed. If this damage is serious, the essence is rebuked for it. If the changes lead to the extinction of a species, the penalty on it is also severe. We believe that the punishment is always proportionate to the impact of the iniquity. There is no arbitrariness in the sentence, that does not happen.
  12. Whenever beings break the law and evade access, all beings are required to catch them. If another being helps the sought-after being to flee, it becomes complicit and punished.
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