B070: Do earthly humans already have contact with the Anunnaki?
When Enki and his entourage departed from Earth, Seth and his entourage remained on Earth for many millennia. Seth did not maintain a base on or below the surface of the Earth, but appeared for a long time among the tribes, whom he instructed in many practices to repair the damage caused by Enki. The solar council on Mars had not specified in detail how the reparation was to be made, but the framework points were clarified, therefore Seth knew how to proceed. The humans of Earth were to be promoted, not technologically, but to raise the knowledge of the cultures to a higher level. Seth was absolutely suitable for this, because he could act like a teacher and convey the knowledge to the humans in an understandable way. Over the millennia, cultures arose that literally came out of nowhere and created strange legacies that you can still marvel at today. All the cultures you know are much older than you think, and many advanced cultures you have never heard of. Either you do not recognise their achievements for what they are, or you have never discovered anything of these cultures because they only used ephemeral things that have long since ceased to exist. It is only since the time when cultures began again to erect imposing buildings to pay homage to their status that you know any human history at all, because you can examine it. Today you think that civilisation can only be a few millennia old. You assume that before that, individual and primitive tribes lived in caves. Few people today believe that humans formed complex social structures millions of years ago, but that is exactly how it was. Just because you can hardly find any remnants from that time does not mean that it did not exist. The Anunnaki officially landed on your planet over 20,000 years ago, and at that time there were civilisations on and under the surface of the Earth that were socially advanced. They hardly knew writing, but if you could study advanced species that are already making interstellar journeys today, you would find that they occasionally use symbols, but hardly any writing. Before their ascent to an advanced civilisation, most advanced species will use something like writing, but only until they have mentally reached a stage that will make them a telepathic race. The Anunnaki do not require writing, although they do use something similar to pictograms. There are symbols among the Anunnaki that any Anunnaki can immediately identify, regardless of where that Anunnaki grows up in the universe. These symbols are known to you in part because the so-called Sun Wheel is known to many species.
Your so-called Sun Wheel is also called the Black Sun, but you are more familiar with the term Sun Wheel. When a person mentally travels on the astral plane, they have several opportunities to experience it very consciously. Very few people will be fully conscious on an astral plane because we and your so-called matrix are preventing you from doing so at this time. Once the official first contact has been made, these barriers will also slowly be switched off, so that more and more humans will be able to experience the earth-astral planes more consciously during meditations. Some people will approach this in a highly professional manner and these people can then experience this astral plane fully consciously, just as they experience the mundane world fully consciously. It will not seem like a vivid dream to these humans, but they will experience an earth-astral plane, just as you are experiencing the mundane world while reading these lines. These people can, so to speak, mentally project themselves onto the astral plane. If such a person keeps on training, he could project his consciousness outside his body to the mundane world. If he is able to do this, he will perceive something similar to the symbol of the Sun Wheel. The Anunnaki also know this Sun Wheel, but it is only through technology that they are able to project their consciousness outside their body. They are also able to do this over longer distances, but the effort involved is rather small compared to the benefit. All advanced species can project their consciousness outside their physical body onto the mundane world and thus visit any place in their galaxy. The universe is very large, so species will first explore the places in their own galaxy.
If extraterrestrial beings are mentally present with you, you will not perceive them unless they speak to you in mind and a conversation ensues. You cannot see or feel the mental projections, but if they were to establish telepathic communication with you, you could have a wonderful conversation. The extraterrestrial explorers who inhabit many underground bases on the Moon study you in the same way. When an extraterrestrial explorer has built up trust in an earthly person, so many long conversations can take place that are recorded as mentalfilms for study purposes. Today, since official first contact has not yet been made, not every being is allowed to mentally project itself to Earth that would be capable of doing so, because you, as a mentally underdeveloped race, have no means of recognising a mentally projected consciousness among yourselves. If a being projects itself onto a planet where the species is also able to project mentally, it will immediately be noticed by the native beings. Depending on where on the planet the being has projected itself mentally, the native species will allow the being or not. Since earthly humans are the least mentally developed species in your universe, you have special rules that are overseen by far more advanced species.
The reptoid species is not what your current experts in the field think they know, because no human alive today has ever come face to face with a reptoid being to report. There are scary stories circulating about this species because your little inaccurate information about the reptoid species or the species of the greys is terribly incomplete. We have therefore gone into detail about the actual nature of this species on the scribbler’s general blog so that readers of the blog can understand backgrounds and motives. The reptoid species looks very archaic, but they are extremely soulful and peaceful beings. They are very advanced mentally, so many of these beings guard the Earth so that other beings who mentally project themselves to the Earth cannot get into mischief and interfere with the upcoming first contact. That is why many species have been forbidden for many years to mentally project themselves to Earth in order to establish mental contacts with you humans.
At present you cannot distinguish these contacts from contacts with spiritual beings. However, there is a way in which you can usually recognise whether it is a contact with a physical being or whether you are having a telepathic conversation with a spiritual being. If you perceive a foreign voice in your mind, it is a bodily being communicating telepathically with you. When you hear your own voice seemingly speaking to you, it is a communication with a non-corporeal being. There are few species in your universe that are both, but we cannot go into that now. Spiritual beings could also feign an alien voice, but then the human is tested by us. In general, however, it can be said that corporeal beings who have established telepathic communication with you will exhibit a different voice than your own voice. If an Anunnaki were to communicate with you, you would perceive a different voice in your mind than your own inner voice. If an extraterrestrial explorer were to communicate with you from an underground base on the moon, you would hear an alien voice in your mind, because physical beings communicate telepathically differently than spiritual beings.
The Anunnaki used to maintain something like telepathic contacts a few years ago, but always followed a doctrine that influential humans should depend on the contacts to act in the Anunnaki’s interests. Some big financiers belong to this elite, who are also connected to the New Anunnaki network, because there is indeed a swamp in which many influential humans wallow. They were directed by the Anunnaki, as well as other species, because many species and extraterrestrial groups wanted to influence the Earthly humans. Because you are so mentally underdeveloped, you can also be excellently directed. Because many of you have to fight for your social standing or physical survival, you live in constant fear, and fearful Beings are even easier to direct. You are manipulated in your society from morning till night and only very few humans are immune to this. You as an earthly human race of almost seven billion individuals could be seen as a large force that can be directed at will, because most humans do not understand what these manipulations are and how they work. We have often enlightened you about this and the readers of the blog have learned in many examples how the so-called rulers of societies or of groups carry out their craft.
Many influential people have been directed, either by the spirit world today or by physical beings communicating telepathically with them some years ago. You are not able to determine with whom you are actually having these telepathic conversations, because even the spirit world with its trainings allows you to experience many things that are difficult to determine. If an Anunnaki were on Earth and wanted to establish telepathic communication, they would need technical equipment to do so because an Anunnaki is not a telepathic being. Can an Anunnaki speak as you do on Earth, we ask? Theoretically yes, but only the New Anunnaki on Earth practice it today. All the other Anunnaki are connected to what is called a subspace network and that is how they communicate. They have technologies that translate thoughts into phonetic expressions, but generally all advanced species converse mentally according to telepathy, which we have already described in the general blog. The influential people who have been contacted and manipulated by many beings are not all from the so-called Cabal, but many are part of it. The New Anunnaki network is one of them, although we would rate their influence as rather small. The Cabal is no longer contacted mentally by physical beings because this has been forbidden for some years, so that these people are still influential but do not enjoy any further advantages that the mental contacts made possible before. Only in this way were they also able to instigate many wars, because they were supplied by their contacts with much information that constituted a strategic advantage. Your world wars are part of this and today’s national conflicts also found their beginning in it. If you want to track down the Cabal, look for them in Britain, because that is where most of the influential people live who have been able to do a lot of damage for a long time. The New Anunnaki network does not have an outpost in Britain because the Anunnaki have long tried to locate the New Anunnaki on Earth. There were New Anunnaki who also lived on the island, but that was a long time ago. Now the New Anunnaki are mostly in Latin America. Should you meet a New Anunnaki, you will not notice any difference at first, but after you have had many conversations, you will notice that the New Anunnaki reacts differently to certain situations than normal people in that region. The New Anunnaki do not care about the everyday problems of humans, because they have already experienced and seen through many things that will take you many more years of life to become as calm and wise as only highly evolved people are. The New Anunnaki have existed for many millennia and most of them were on Earth before the Little Flood.
The New Anunnaki are the only Anunnaki that you could make contact with. After your official first contact it will be over a hundred years before the Anunnaki arrive to officially introduce themselves to Earth Humanity. Before then the New Anunnaki will reveal themselves so that they can be given political asylum with you. What they will report will leave you speechless. As you will be used to much by then, as extraterrestrial life and civilisations have been the overriding themes since first contact, the New Anunnaki will be recognised for what they are. An artificial species that is doomed to one day disappear from your universe. All other species in your universe will continue to evolve so that they will surpass the present Anunnaki in all respects, without the Anunnaki species being able to join this perpetual advance. The New Anunnaki on Earth will not live to see the demise of their culture, but they may see the first major signs of it as the Earth human race now sets out to become the dominant species in the universe. The Anunnaki and the earthly humans will one day have to clash in war once more, because they are to be judged as two different poles, attracting in one way and repelling in another. As you will have the power of potential in a few million years to create or wipe out whole planets with a thought, a long time before that a situation will arise in which you will put the Anunnaki in their place. When that time comes, all galaxies will put a stop to the Anunnaki’s efforts, and they will have no choice but to rethink their culture. The gold will run out in their lavish stores and with it their means of survival. The Anunnaki could then begin to grant human beings an equal standing in their culture so that the Anunnaki culture can continue, at least in part. However, all artificial Anunnaki will die one day and when the breeding of this artificial species has been adjusted, this unusual species will no longer exist. Their present action of collecting gold everywhere will be doomed to failure before then, because it is the earthly humans who will do everything they can to stop this inhuman action of the Anunnaki.
Enki will not live to see the end of his species either, but more and more Anunnaki will realise that they cannot go on like this forever. Some Anunnaki are working on reforms, but as we explained earlier, the Anunnaki realms are ruled by Queens who all get a say in the reforms, making unity almost impossible. Therefore, there will be no change in Anunnaki culture in the near future. The Anunnaki will one day realise that their apparent influence is waning and then tensions will arise that will have to be resolved through acts of war. You will be involved in this because there is no other way. Since you earthly humans have received the most extreme adjustments from the Wingmakers, you will also start the most extreme actions under pressure. Enki has already experienced this extreme action of earthly humans at first hand on the Mediterranean Sea over 10,000 years ago. If you travel space after your official first contact and find yourself where the Anunnaki are plundering the next gold reserves on an underdeveloped planet, you will intervene. You will lose most space battles at first, but being so innovative you will adapt so that the tide will turn in your favour on the battlefield. This is not the start of the demise of the Anunnaki species, it happened over 10,000 years ago on Earth. Before your Flood, the population of the Mediterranean caused the Anunnaki to be forced to turn their backs on a planet unwillingly – for the first time in their existence. Seth was aware at the time that this was equivalent to a change of times. Even though Enki suspected at the time that humans on the Mediterranean were doing serious damage to the Anunnaki reputation through their resistance, even now, after so many millennia, he is not aware of what the earthly humans actually heralded at that time. He is celebrated for the remaining days of his life as the most successful Anunnaki because he has also not yet encountered the resistance of earthly humans as an interstellar-travelling species. When his perfidious plans for earthly humans come to nothing, because you have been forewarned by us beings from the spiritual world, the first space skirmishes will trigger a change of heart in the magnificent Enki. But since his reputation always precedes him, he must not change in his behaviour. Enki will one day quietly realise that he can be held responsible for the fact that his beloved Anunnaki species is being fought so relentlessly by the earthly humans he once tried to wipe out. Only the small Flood he instigated is responsible for the fact that the earthly humans will soon no longer allow the Anunnaki a quiet day. We hope you understand our motives for revealing all this to you.