B069: When does an Anunnaki reach a significant social standing?
What is a significant status among the Anunnaki supposed to be, we ask first? When something is significant, that status is conferred because no one can claim to have done anything significant. When a human accomplishes unimaginable things that another human could never accomplish himself, that human is testifying his admiration to the human who has accomplished significance. Recognition would be a trivial term, because anyone can earn recognition; the person does not have to do anything unimaginable for it. Something significant is much more highly valued, so that something significant is recognised by a society. If you have done something significant, your society talks about it for a very long time and always with great respect because the deed that was significant has a great impact on the common good of the members of the society.
Who in your history has done anything significant, we ask? No one, some readers would argue, and they are right because all your great deeds have never made your society better off as a result. Every historical act that has to be repeated prayerfully by you, because otherwise you would quickly forget it, is nothing significant. Jesus is a well-known personality, but did he do something significant so that society was better off because of it, we ask? No, quite the opposite. His lack of foresight has ensured that for millennia many humans have suffered because of his actions. Every glorious warlord has achieved absolutely nothing for society, because all those persons have achieved great things out of pure egoism, which, however, has no meaning at all in historical terms. All your politicians, prominent persons and spiritual leaders do nothing significant because shortly after their deed all the followers are busy glorifying the so-called great deed so that it remains in your memory and is not forgotten. If a person were to actually do something significant, all humans would stand there with their mouths open after the significant deed became known and would not be able to believe what kind of deed it was. This means all humans and not just some of them. This is also why no significant deeds could be carried out beforehand, because you earthly humans were not yet so well connected. Only then, when all humans hear in amazement what a person has done that is significant, can the deed be recorded in the earthly memory of humanity. If first only a part of the earthly humans are informed about it, and then further and further parts of the earthly population, the deed – no matter how significant it was – will never be deposited as something significant in the memory of humanity. Only when abruptly and simultaneously the deed is revealed to earthly humanity can something significant arise in humanity’s memory. This significant deed is not only ever forgotten again by the persons present, but all future generations have the feeling of the significant deed in them, because every human unconsciously accesses the humanity memory. You cannot then help but perceive the forms on the astral plane that correspond to your global humanity memory.
If many humans think of one thing at the same time, they will form a stable shape on the astral plane that corresponds to the thing thought of. If twice as many humans were to think of that thing at the same time, the form on the astral plane would be twice as intense. However, if the first half of the humans thought of the same thing before, their original form on the astral plane will not be added up with new equal forms, but can only be overwritten. You are now almost seven billion humans on Earth. Suppose that every day one billion humans were informed of some momentous deed. Then the first billion humans would form an imposing shape on the astral plane corresponding to the momentous deed. A day later, the next billion humans would be informed of the momentous deed and they too would manifest an imposing form. Since the two astral forms are identical in meaning, they are not added together, but greater form will overwrite the other form. Although two billion humans have been informed of the significant act, the form is that of only one billion humans. If one billion humans are informed one after the other that a significant deed has been done, no astral form has come into being that is seven times as large, but the form remains only that of one billion humans. We now believe you have understood what we wanted to convey to you.
If all the humans of the earth are simultaneously informed of a significant deed, a form can arise on the astral plane that lasts forever and that is so imposing that no consciousness can escape it. Such deeds have not yet occurred on earth, therefore nothing significant has ever occurred with you, no matter what historians or followers of an ideology may claim. You need your historiography so that something can be glorified and the readers believe that it was significant. But since nothing significant ever happened on earth, you think your history is significant. Now, if something significant were to happen on earth, your story would be beside the point because from the moment the significant act is announced, your story is negated. The story with all its protagonists is not erased, but from that moment on it no longer receives any attention. Today you are living your history of the last hundred years because it is not only constantly glorified, but you are also constantly reminded of it, which is equivalent to mental manipulation. You have lived through two great world wars and still experience guilt over them, even though none of the present readers are responsible for them. You are constantly reminded in school and in your media of the significant and cruel things you have caused as a people, even though none of you were present in the world wars. There are still humans in 2023 who experienced the Second World War, but then as victims because the so-called perpetrators were also manipulated. Today, almost every human knows the stories of the wars, even though we claim that not much truth is passed on about them when the sole culprit is named. Today you are also experiencing wars because in 2023 a war is being waged in Europe that is receiving a lot of media attention. For most Europeans, the sole culprit is quickly identified because many helpers tirelessly try to dictate the story so that you form the shapes on the astral plane that all readers of the information will then immediately perceive. But you never get the whole picture of this war. Neither how it is being waged nor how it actually came about. You are lied to every day in the media and by the politicians, because they either do not reveal the whole picture of the confrontation to you, or they are so adept at weaving the truth into many lies that the truth is read over. History is no longer dictated by the victor of a conflict, but by the party that can best manipulate its audience. Every war has a back story that the Western communities of nations in particular do not get to hear because your media, as stooges of the string-pullers, do not want them to. Your media landscape is a shambles and it is hardly possible for you to find out the true motives of the war. Never mind. Soon something significant will happen that will make you forget the first two world wars and the war in Ukraine. The wars will become meaningless, even if many victims of the wars on both sides cannot understand that now. Just as quickly as your so-called pandemic of recent years was forgotten because the war in Ukraine captured global attention, something significant will make all wars fade away. Warring parties will no longer receive support and will have to cease their efforts because the current focus of the populations is on something completely different. If something significant were to happen on earth today, all wars would end within a few weeks. But since nothing significant will happen in the next year or two, the media can manipulate their readers and listeners wonderfully and start one war after another.
What could be so significant that you as earthly humanity will simultaneously and collectively form an imposing shape on the earth-astral plane that will make you forget all wars within a few days, we ask? The official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species! This official first contact will be the first significant event that Earthly humanity has experienced since its existence. When the enormous spaceships simultaneously place themselves around your planet and are visible to all humans on the surface of the Earth by day and night, almost seven billion humans will be so surprised by them that they will form a truly imposing shape on the earth-astral plane. This form on the astral plane symbolises the arrival of an extraterrestrial species and from that moment on everything else will be beside the point. The moment when every human will understand that earthly humans are not alone in the universe will eclipse everything else, no matter what some people may say to the contrary. Your history before that moment will be insignificant because a new age is dawning that will change everything. Every intelligent species starts a new age in the same way, which always makes the previous age seem insignificant, also for the beings who experience this change of times very closely, because every change of times starts a new era that will write its own history. You are on the verge of this change of times, so do not let the media unsettle you, because soon everything will be different, and that will only happen when something significant overwrites your present problems on the earth-astral level. This is exactly what the official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species was conceived for.
That is why no Anunnaki or any other being has ever accomplished anything significant that was recorded in the memory of their species.