B068: What apparatus do the Anunnaki possess that would make life easier for earthly humans?
The Anunnaki can offer you much that will allow you to advance technologically, but everything will have a hitch, as Anunnaki will only exchange their achievements for gold currency. When your official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species is made, you will be richly rewarded by the species. This human species will not only give you spaceships and medical devices that will represent a quantum leap in your technological history, but they will also train you in what these technologies are and on what they are based. When your scientists and engineers understand the new physics, they will be able to do much to construct all the devices that will make your daily lives not only more bearable but safer. All that you will produce, the Anunnaki will have, so the question is not what the Anunnaki can offer you, but only what those devices are. We have been admonished by the scribbler to only describe something that has not been addressed by us before so that this book is not filled with repetition. We will first give a short list of apparatuses that we have already described, and then describe apparatuses that we have not mentioned before:
- A device that independently builds a dwelling for an Anunnaki from air molecules.
- A device that can heat meals.
- A device that is very versatile and like your game console.
- A device that can dissolve solid matter. By this we refer to rock materials.
- A device to repel attackers or physical projectiles.
- A device to travel between star systems.
- A device to help penetrate the mind of another being to search for information.
This is a small but specific selection and we have described these devices often and in detail, so now devices are described that we have either not addressed at all or have addressed very little.
A device that provides the world clock
What is that supposed to be, not only the scribbler is asking himself now, and we enlighten you about how evolved cultures handle time processes. You usually get up at a certain time in the morning and at certain intervals you will perform certain actions to coordinate your daily routine. All this exists in advanced cultures too, but not as synchronously. What do we mean by that, we ask ourselves? Imagine that you live in an advanced culture. You would stand up when your body tells you to stand up. This would give you a much more relaxed start to the day. Generally nothing is required of you as a member of the advanced culture, but boredom is unbearable, so you want to contribute something productive. You can volunteer for and perform a service, and it does not matter what that service is. Rarely is service timed, so you might decide to do something for society after breakfast. When you think you are ready to do a service, you will dial into a specific area that lists what can be done next by you. You will choose something and work on it. When you are satisfied you have done the task, you can do something else or perform another service. It does not matter which service you do, because you will always find a wide choice. The services will be offered to you in such a way that you will not be overwhelmed, nor can you do anything wrong, because you will be prepared for service when you feel you are ready. Whether you work physically or mentally is of little consequence, as advanced civilizations no longer know physically demanding work. The Anunnaki have constructed machines that can make housing complexes from practically nothing. Do Anunnaki have to work hard for their survival? No, because no advanced civilisation expects that of its citizens. An advanced culture provides for itself, so all citizens in society are free to participate in society’s existence, therefore no one is expected to work, but service is always voluntary. You are justifiably asking what all this has to do with this world time and we are clearing it up. World time includes all the service-related tasks that need to be done in society. All members of the culture see these work packages and they grow up knowing that they can participate in working through the tasks. They see globally where things are currently stuck and where they can support. This transparent and individual presentation of everyday tasks will stimulate the sense of duty of all citizens and let them decide for themselves what they think will be given priority in the processing. Each task is listed there, just like each citizen with his or her individual skills, so that the citizen gets suggested tasks in his or her field and in his or her locality that also suit him or her. If the citizen continues his or her education, the new knowledge is incorporated into the individual selection of services. In this way, every citizen can be active and gain experience everywhere without being dictated to do so by family or society. This world clock does not reflect a timepiece, as you might have expected, but the everyday services that, at best, are undertaken by all citizens. There are urgent tasks that are also displayed in this way, so that society can read off from this world clock how well they can collectively serve the services. If there is one area that performs few services, this applies to all members in that area, because they act self-responsibly as a community, which greatly promotes togetherness.
A machine that works like an intelligent harvester
The Anunnaki, like many other advanced civilisations, have large areas on their planet where plantations have been established to provide the population with the food they need. A harvester on your planet is a very complex piece of technical equipment that must be operated and maintained by you. Harvesters in advanced civilisations will also harvest the crops, but also much more. You could assign such a machine an area on a planet and indicate what you need as a yield. This apparatus then begins to cultivate the area on its own, so that the yield can also be produced quite exactly, and that year after year. This equipment does not need to be operated or maintained by beings because advanced civilisations do not produce a throwaway society, but the equipment will last forever and will not have any energy problems. They are very simply constructed and your earthly machines cannot hold a candle to them. We will use the rest of this entry to show the differences with your machines using the advanced harvester.
How is a robotic automaton constructed on Earth, we ask first? A robot always has a very specific task that has been determined beforehand. Based on the task, the components are selected. The machine parts, the electronics and their sensors are determined precisely for the given task. If a robot is to be able to change its location, wheels or other options are provided. Many mechanical components guarantee a specific behaviour that has been defined beforehand. If the robot’s task is simple, the programming is also simple. If the robot is to be able to react to many situations, the programming becomes more complex. If the robot is large because the task demands it, a lot of material must be used for it. If many mechanical parts are in motion, a large energy supply must be guaranteed, which makes the construction and operation costly. Because you are a throwaway society based on profit, components are chosen for a defined operating time, because you always have to consider the cost.
Advanced civilisations no longer know all this, because it all seems to be a fad of the past. Today, if you use your most expensive components for a product that have the longest life cycle, then the product does not need to be maintained. If you had access to free energy, you would not be particularly concerned about the efficiency of a machine because you could design it to do the job. Every robot you have needs many electronic components that have to be intricately connected together. The control unit will be able to sense the environment, depending on the choice of sensors. The programming must bring all the sensors and actuators into harmony with each other so that the automaton can carry out its task. An advanced automaton will also need all of this, but without the electronics, because advanced automatons of advanced civilisations function differently than those of you on Earth. We told you in the series on Lemuria that the Lemurians could do almost everything millions of years ago that you use your complicated technology for today. They did not need technology to do it, because it is much easier to do than most readers think today. Take, for example, a stove that heats a meal on its own. You need at least a set-up where heat is used to heat a pot. There are also automatic cooking machines that do the stirring, but you either need technology for that or you heat a pot over a fireplace and stir occasionally yourself so you can control the process of cooking. What did the Lemurians do to cook a meal over two million years ago in their clay buildings, we ask? They were able to place an ordinary crystal under a cooking vessel and mentally instruct it, even from a distance, to heat the cooking pot or the contents in the cooking pot. This little crystal can do more than anything your most complicated controls are capable of today. A crystal consciousness already contains all the programs that you will develop. A crystal consciousness is not a being because it has no personality, but a crystal consciousness is something that resembles a spiritual being in its possibilities. Spiritual beings have enormous potential and can process vast amounts of data in a tiny moment, which is also possible for a crystal consciousness. However, a crystal consciousness must be given instructions to carry out tasks, because it will never carry out an action on its own. Exactly how the crystal consciousness processes the data is beyond your experience, but we have shared many examples and much background knowledge in the crystal programming series, so you will find a treasure trove of knowledge there just waiting to be used.
If necessary, the Lemurians could also direct the contents of the cooking vessel to be stirred. They used energy fields generated by the crystal that interacted to set the contents in motion in the cooking vessel. How can only the contents be set in motion and not the cooking vessel, we ask? We told you in the series on the ten information dimensions of your universe that every object generates an energy field and that this energy field holds all the properties of the object. A cooking vessel generates an energy field because it is an object that is separate from the rest of space. Every atom of the cooking vessel is documented as information in the energy field of the cooking vessel. Not only does it say where the atom is located in the object, but also how much energy it holds. A soup that rests in a cooking vessel also represents a loose collection of objects. But since they are delimited by the object of the cooking vessel, their local position can be determined because the soup is within the boundaries of the cooking vessel. So if you instruct that the crystal under the cooking pot should enrich everything within the boundaries of the cooking pot with energy, then the task is determined down to the smallest detail. This allows everything in the cooking pot to be heated and, if necessary, set in motion. The crystal transcends the energy of the astral plane to the mundane plane and thus increases the energy value of the atoms in the soup. So easily you can create an automatic cooking machine that will go on forever doing this task without needing to be maintained or energised by you, because all that is unnecessary if you belong to an evolved culture. You are technologically advanced, but your products are ineffective because these machines of today will not work in 100 years. That is why there are hardly any technological species in the universe as you imagine them today, but everything is built much more simply and effectively. How crystals can be programmed mentally so that they can be used as potent healing crystals or as a crystal battery, we have revealed in many entries on the general blog of the scribbler. Let’s return to the Harvester.
A harvester contains mechanical components that are powered by something resembling an electric motor, only much simpler in design. Imagine a little toy robot with lots of little motors. Imagine removing the cables, the controller and the battery from this toy robot and placing a small rock crystal inside the robot. If the robot were to move, it could not do so because neither the electric motors are connected to a controller nor is there a battery. If the robot were to move on its own anyway, every amateur electronics engineer would rub his eyes in amazement, but the crystal could make it possible. We are thus figuratively suggesting that a crystal consciousness can transcend energy outside the physical crystal, so that physical effects can occur that can, among other things, drive unconnected electric motors. We have now pictured this so that you can understand the concept behind it. Extraterrestrial and evolved advanced civilisations will have quite other possibilities, which we will discuss in due course on the scribbler’s general blog.
An extraterrestrial spaceship that is meant to undertake interstellar travel has almost no technology at all, because technological achievements are simply not necessary. If you still can’t believe what we’ve reported in this entry, then you haven’t read through the scribbler’s blog yet, because otherwise you wouldn’t be so surprised by it.