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B064: How is official first contact different from the arrival of the Anunnaki on Earth?
When the Anunnaki appeared on Earth over 20,000 years ago, they imitated the process of official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species, but only to the extent that the native species was impressed. After the Anunnaki had taken up geostationary positions around the Earth with several Fleet Cruisers, these huge spaceships could be marvelled at by many humans on Earth by day and night. The spaceships were not seen as small glittering dots, but the humans of that time could see the enormous rectangular celestial companions with the naked eye. Because the enormous Fleet Cruisers had a great effect on the humans of the time, the first phase of first contact was different from what is usual in an official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species.
In an official first contact, the spaceships will at first only be discernible as small glittering dots in the firmament. When in a few years’ time these glittering dots can be seen by you all over the Earth by day and night, they must at first appear so small that you do not feel threatened by them. For months you will talk about these glittering dots for what they are. They are huge spaceships, but they do not seem threatening. Your curiosity will keep you discussing the subject of extraterrestrial life for months, but unlike today, you will no longer be smiled at in disbelief because all humans have now realised that only extraterrestrials can construct such huge spaceships. Many authors and would-be experts will emerge who see danger in the extraterrestrials, but as societies become accustomed to the glittering sight, their doomsday scenarios will fade away. You will discuss the issue more or less rationally. Discussions will take place among friends, family, at work and in the media, without the sight of the glittering dots changing in the meantime. You get used to it and all the excitement of the first few days after the extraterrestrial spaceships became known is long forgotten. Every day you look at those glittering dots several times and you know that they are huge spaceships, with extraterrestrials, but as the sight has become normal, slowly but surely everyday life returns. After months, when that time has been reached, the spaceships will gradually approach Earth over a long period of time. When this happens, the dots in the firmament will appear more impressive, which will then lead to the media again devoting a lot of airtime to reporting on them. Earthly humans will wonder why the extraterrestrials have not yet made contact with any government, as in all these months neither your governments have been able to make first contact, nor are the extraterrestrials showing any interest in communicating with representatives of Earthly humans. All this and much more we have revealed in detail in many entries on the scribbler’s general blog and we also told you why this is being done. The native species is pacified by this process and that without exception. If you cannot believe this, read the entries and you will understand that this process is exactly the right way to pacify a native race that is divided among itself.
It is now more than a year since the appearance of the glittering dots. The spaceships will be visible to the naked eye, just as the Anunnaki did in the blink of an eye over 20,000 years ago. With the Anunnaki, first impressions counted and humans could not slowly get used to the Fleet Cruisers of the Anunnaki, but these spaceships were suddenly there and every human on Earth was immediately not only impressed but also deeply unsettled. Then, shortly afterwards, when the Anunnaki transport spacecraft flew over the settlements of the native humans at low altitude, the humans on the ground were terrified and in awe, which was the Anunnaki’s intention. When at your official first contact after a long time the mighty Fleet Cruisers approach, no fear is generated among you, but a joyful euphoria will set in, whenever there is news of these starships. You are only fixated on these ships. Neither have the extraterrestrials made contact, nor can any government seek contact on its own, because that is not desired. When some time has passed again, you will suddenly notice a flurry of activity between the spacecraft, as the transport spacecraft now pass between the Fleet Cruisers as if on a motorway. They are out of reach of your planes, but you can see these sky highways with the naked eye. All this will arouse the interest of earthly humans again and again over time, and if two years have now passed, all the humans of Earth will really have devoted themselves to this subject. When these celestial highways have also become a familiar sight over time, the next phase will be ushered in.
Transport spacecraft will come ever closer to Earth in their flights, to the point that one day the occupants in these transport spacecraft may be glimpsed. It is a human species that looks just like you and this will reassure many humans because the extraterrestrials are in their image. There is still no official contact with the extraterrestrials, but something strange will happen. A few of these transport spacecraft will fly so low that they will also stop and land. This will cause a great stir because these extraterrestrials will then verifiably ask a few people to accompany them on a sightseeing flight. These people will not be official government officials, but citizens from the people who will be chosen at random. Reports of these sightseeing flights will do the rounds and this phase will also last for a few months. Very little information will be shared because the sightseeing flight will captivate each passenger so much that later they will not understand at all why they could not ask questions. Each sightseeing flight will have its own headline and by this time no government will know what exactly it is all about. They will assume that it is a process so that the extraterrestrials can introduce themselves, but why they are not contacted as a government they are not aware of. You earthly humans have come to regard the extraterrestrial humans as friends because the extraterrestrials have been peacefully announcing their arrival for years now without taking you by surprise. All this makes the extraterrestrials sympathetic and no ruler of a society can change this.
Now that extraterrestrial life has been seriously discussed for years, even publicly, more and more citizens are questioning their social system. Their own society is hardly capable of flying to an alien inhabited planet and if it did, this encounter with another race would certainly not be so peaceful. More and more humans are having these thoughts, and it is becoming obvious that your social system seems outdated, and now something is occurring that is so intended. You yourselves will see to it that your society undergoes a change without an extraterrestrial being driving you to it, but it is the humanity that is now being allowed to break through more and more in you that desires a change. Since this will happen to almost all humans, they will also want to see to it that the social system is transformed. This is all for the reason that for years now you will see spaceships that neither pose a threat nor manipulate you as your rulers do every day. They are simply present and this will change many things for you on Earth, which will also make you more peace-loving. Some readers will not be able to believe this, but when you have understood the processes and background of such a first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species that has already taken place countless times in the Universe, you will be convinced because your logic dictates it.
Months have passed and you have intensively discussed one flight after another. Now the next phase will occur, as the extraterrestrials on these flights will discuss their appearance with the passengers. They are explaining that this is all to initiate your official first contact, and after some time they will reveal to the passengers the date of the official first contact. When that date makes its rounds in your media, everything will be different because now all Earthly humans on the surface are eagerly awaiting the date.
While the humans are waiting for the date of official first contact, some governments are being contacted by the extraterrestrial species. These contacts are not made officially, however, but government officials are either contacted directly mentally by the extraterrestrial species or citizens experience this telepathic connection and pass important information to their governments. This information will be shared unofficially by the governments with all other governments because it will give instructions on how to handle the process of official first contact. The governments will not have a direct channel to the extraterrestrials, but they can use the information to prepare for the day of official first contact.
The day of official first contact has arrived and all air traffic on the sky highways and in the airspace of your planes will come to a standstill. There is an eerie silence and everyone is waiting for the moment that official first contact is made. The eerie silence is interrupted by a celestial spectacle and this announces the execution of the official first contact. The hangars of the gigantic spaceships are opened for special delegation spaceships, which fly together and slowly to the surface of the Earth. At a certain altitude they will split up because each of these spaceships has as its destination a seat of government of a nation. All delegation spaceships will land simultaneously in front of the respective seats of government, so that this can be followed by all citizens on the spot or on television. The delegations will be received by the representatives of the governments and they will officially introduce themselves to you and offer their help to solve your energy problems. They will have only one condition:
“These technologies that we lend you first, we will take back if this country acts as an aggressor towards another nation or if these technologies are denied to the citizens.”
As technology, you will not only receive power generators that seemingly generate electricity from nowhere continuously, but also many helpful things that will provide quantum leaps, especially in medicine. These technologies are not secrets, however, but the extraterrestrial scientists will teach you how to produce this technology yourself. It will be many decades before you are ready to understand and reproduce these higher technologies, and until then the apparatus you receive will be on loan. You will need hardly any resources to produce these technologies, so that even in resource-poor countries everything can be produced that the population needs not only to survive, but also to be able to develop into an advanced civilisation. You will also be given the technology to travel between star systems because you will be given flying machines that you now call UFOs. When the extraterrestrial scientists have trained you to make such flying machines yourselves, you will build larger and larger spaceships that will come close to Fleet Cruisers in a few hundred years. You will be the fastest growing species to expand in space because you are already technologically advanced. You will quickly be able to stand up to the Anunnaki, as you will not be able to tolerate their inhumane ways. Until that happens, the Anunnaki will one day be allowed to return to Earth as a non-human species to officially pay their respects.
When the Anunnaki visited Earth over 20,000 years ago, this first contact was made under very different circumstances. They arrived literally overnight and struck fear into the hearts of the Earth’s population as their Fleet Cruisers lingered in the firmament and their transport spacecraft flew over their settlements like mystical beings. When Enki and his entourage then carried out the first contact with the heads of the settlements, he was the god he loved to really represent. But this procedure does not correspond to the official first contact with an intelligent, extraterrestrial species, because the native species is not thereby promoted in such a way that it can develop freely. The Anunnaki will always ensure that a native species does not evolve technologically or mentally because their societies, which are then brought into being by the Anunnaki, forbid it. The cult of gods stands against free mental development, no matter what society maintains a cult of gods. Whether a god, gods or saints are worshipped, it always slows down society because the dogmas that such a cult brings with it prevent society from getting to the bottom of things freely and without worry. This also means churches, sects and all kinds of faiths. All advanced species in the universe do not practise any of these cults and when first contact has been made with you, many faith communities will dissolve. This does not happen overnight. While some faith constructs are about to be dissolved during the process of official first contact, many religions and churches will dissolve over the years because there is no longer a need for them. Many of you today need something like faith communities because they have to fight for their survival and it seems easier if they can assign all the shortcomings to a higher construct to which they submit. When the official first contact has been made, many phenomena are revealed to which you still attribute divine intervention today. We have tried to explain to you readers in many entries that all this is much simpler and also more realistic. But if you have the certainty that there must be something to our explanations, then you will much more quickly abandon your faith constructs and agree to realism. Realism describes the natural order as best understood by you as physical beings. All advanced species are realists and this will never change. A human is a realist when he seems to have attained knowledge that is superior to all belief constructs. Because a realist can see through the phenomena of everyday life, he can never again develop into a person who emulates a belief. This is impossible and can never be reversed. You readers are slowly becoming realists and you will then find it difficult to follow one or your present beliefs. When the spaceships appear in your firmament, every reader of these lines will then at the latest develop into a realist, because his previous assumptions about our explanations will then become a certainty, which will then have a very strong effect in the human.
The Anunnaki trick native species that are not yet very advanced by faking an official first contact, in which they present themselves as the gods to whom the native beings have already subordinated themselves before. In this way, the Anunnaki strengthen this belief in gods more and more, even if they allow the societies to rise to advanced civilisations. However, since these societies are never allowed to develop mentally and technologically, because the belief in the gods dictates this, nothing will change in society as long as the Anunnaki strengthen this cult of the gods. If the Anunnaki withdraw from the planet because there are no more large gold deposits to plunder, they will simply tell the cultures that they will soon return. However, they never will because there is no more gold to justify it. These cultures that are left behind by the Anunnaki are now on their own and after a few decades the advanced civilisations will dissolve and the natural process of evolution can begin again. This is why advanced cultures that are subject to a belief in gods will always perish, because the members of these cultures will one day evolve and this excludes the belief in supernatural beings. Societies that are continually evolving will always evolve realism. In the same way, in one hundred years, realism will prevail in earthly society, which can then never be reversed.