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B062: Why was there almost a civil war on Eden several million years ago? – Part 3
When the Grey transport spacecraft launched with the genetically unaltered original Anunnaki to preserve this unique race of humans from their kind, the Grey proceeded as follows.
How a spaceship is piloted
After all the passengers had arrived in the spaceship, the outer shell of the spaceship was strengthened. To do this, only enough energy has to be supplied so that every atom of the outer shell is energetically enriched. What happens physically in the process will be described in detail in a series on Metamaterials. The shell has now been charged with energy potentials for an upcoming journey, and it is important to know which parts of the shell are energetically charged and to what degree. In general, you can assume that the spaceship will move in the direction that has the most energy potential in the hull armour. If a spaceship simultaneously charges several hull armour parts to different degrees, the vehicle will receive a direction vector that indicates in which direction the spaceship is moving. By charging the hull armour, the hull is also strengthened, but the direction vector is of vital importance because you have always wanted to know how a spaceship is steered. The laws of physics are well known to you, but you only use them on a small scale because you cannot muster the amount of energy that a small transport spacecraft uses. That is why this possibility has not yet occurred to you. When the hull has been strengthened, the pilot lowers the holding power of the spaceship. His plane of existence now changes and the more the holding force decreases or increases, the less or more the spaceship can be seen from your perspective of existence. Shortly after the holding forces for the spaceship and its occupants are changed, the spaceship becomes transparent and could not be touched or attacked by you. It can fly through clouds without even tarnishing the cloud. The craft could fly through a house without being damaged and you in that house would not even notice that a spaceship had flown through there. To the craft and its occupants the house is like a projection of light and you have the same perception of the craft, if you could see it at all. Now if a hostile people were to shoot at the spaceship after it has changed its holding powers, the projectiles or energy weapons could not do any damage because they would fly through the spaceship like holograms. What would happen if the energy weapons had the same holding forces as the spaceship, we ask? Nothing! This is something that has been written into the physical laws of nature. There are bands of existence in which life forms live. These bands of existence can also overlap, but they have specific ranges in the frequency spectrum of your universe. You exist on one band of existence with many other life forms. The Archons live on another frequency band with many other life forms. Between these frequency bands in the frequency spectrum there is a great deal of space that is allocated to non-physical entities. Non-physical entities do not know matter as the life forms in the existential bands know it, therefore they do not know physical harm. We have hardly addressed non-physical entities so far, but we will do so later. These non-physical entities are not spiritual beings in the true sense, but something that is similar to us. Non-physical entities work in your seas and gardens, they tirelessly help the spiritual beings so that everything can grow and flourish on the ribbons of existence of the life forms. The spaceship is located with its holding power between these bands of existence, which can be seen like transparent foils. If all the foils were on top of each other, you could look at your universe with all the planes of existence. You usually only perceive your plane of existence and only a small part of it because your body sensors are so ineffective. If your life runs as a kind of film on your plane of existence, then there are as many planes of existence for the place where you are at the moment as there are bands of existence. Therefore, at your location, there are also many other types of beings living and working simultaneously on the other existential foils, which you can neither see, hear nor otherwise notice, because there is so much space in the frequency spectrum between these planes of existence that is not physical in nature. The spaceship has not physically adjusted itself, so to speak. That is why it can travel through space in your universe without encountering matter. Thus spaceships fly from one place to another without being bound by the physical laws of a plane of existence. You experience inertia because something is tugging at physical bodies through electrostatic attraction. If there are no physical bodies, then nothing can pull on your bodies or the spaceship. When you understand the principle behind it, you can understand all the phenomena with so-called UFOs, because you usually experience the lowering of the holding forces of the spacecraft.
How to navigate a spacecraft
The pilot must know where to steer the spacecraft. If you believe that interstellar-travelling pilots are guided by star charts, that is not entirely wrong, but it hardly explains how a pilot from a distant galaxy can accurately sight Earth. If you were just wondering about our wording, we did it well. The pilot sights his target, for that he only needs to know conditionally where the target is because the consciousness of the spaceship, which exists in the main energy crystal, knows exactly where to navigate to. We have already said that the crystal consciousness of the energy crystal presents the pilot with the outside view and the more potent this crystal has been charged, the more the crystal consciousness can broaden its perspective. When the pilot sets his sights on the target, he can mentally order the launch of the spacecraft. Since the holding forces have been reduced, the spaceship will fly directly and without detours to where the target has been located. Whether there is matter on the way on a plane of existence is of no concern to the spaceship and its occupants because they are flying between planes of existence where there is no matter. But why can the occupants feel something like gravity during such a flight, we ask? This is a fallacy because the energetic bubble around the spaceship is the reference point for the electrostatic attraction, so that nothing changes, so to speak, for the spaceship and the occupants. Now, if a passenger in the spaceship were to pull out a gun to shoot a fellow passenger, the bullet would not hurt anything or even do any damage. The bullet could not be fired from the cartridge at all because no chemical reaction can occur for the propelling force of the bullet because there is no matter that can react with each other. If there is no matter in the energetic bubble, how can you interact with the spaceship there as a passenger, we ask? Through your thoughts. Just as you experience in meditation or in astral travel. Everything you perceive in a dream exists on the astral plane of your Earth and that plane is subtle. If you experience something there that is close to what you can experience on the mundane plane, it is because of your consciousness, because consciousness knows how it feels to you when you put your hand on a wall. If you put your hand on the subtle wall in this spaceship, your consciousness knows how it feels and you will have a perception of pressure. But you could go through that wall if you wanted to. A journey in a spaceship should never last too long and we also say that any interstellar journey will only ever last a few earthly days because otherwise the bodies of the beings would undergo a transformation which we will discuss another time. UFOs will not completely lower their holding power, because even the pilots will then no longer be able to see where exactly they are flying to. But the holding forces are lowered so much that so-called gravity has hardly any effect.
The Greys had adjusted their transport spacecraft in the same way and from that point on the Reformers could neither attack the spacecraft nor knew where the Greys wanted to fly to with the Traditionalists. There were many disputes thereafter between the Grey race and the original Anunnaki from Eden, but one day the Reformers realised that it was hopeless to try to find the whereabouts of the Traditionalists. All attempts to do so were futile because there are a myriad of habitable planets in your Universe and not just on your plane of existence, because every major celestial body is represented on almost all planes of existence. You share the Earth with many species on other planes of existence. Among them are the Bigfoot and the Archons. There are many other types of beings, but we have not discussed them yet.
The Greys knew of Earth because Earth was known to have once been the home of massive dinosaurs. We told you that your dinosaurs on Earth were special because millions of years ago a non-human species bred dinosaurs on Earth that were unique in size in the universe. After this species had finished its experiments and ensured that natural evolution on Earth could begin anew, many species saw to it that the genetic experiments came to a final end. The original Anunnaki did not exist at this time, but the reptoid species and the species of the Greys were on hand to oversee the end of the experiments. As Eden is a long way from Earth, the Greys knew it would take a long time for the original Anunnaki to encounter the Traditionalists. Either the race of genetically modified original Anunnaki would no longer exist, or the Traditionalists would have evolved as a race to such an extent that the reformers’ efforts would be doomed to failure. Modern humans already existed on Earth and all the far advanced species could see the potential in you Earthly humans at that time. Your extreme physical adjustments will allow you to fully exploit the human blueprint in millions of years, and you will be the most successful species in your Universe, because you will then acquire almost the mental potential of spiritual beings. Then as now you have not progressed one ounce mentally to say the least, but there are other reasons for that. The Greys knew of your potential and they saw great gain in a mixing of the races, so a group of Traditionalists were settled on a continent in the Indian Ocean that you still know from the stories as the continent of Lemuria. This continent was very large and we think Australia today is only slightly larger than Lemuria was in its time. No modern humans lived on Lemuria.
When the conservative forces announced in the flying objects on the day of the flight from Eden that they had no intention of flying to a metropolis to protest for the release of their detained members, relief broke out. The traditionalists knew very well that this protest would have to escalate, so they were initially pleased that the rapid demise of their group had been averted for the time being. But when the ringleaders declared that they would all leave the planet together in order to preserve their lives, the astonishment was great, because no one had expected it. They described on the flight to the transport ships of the Greys that their group would be settled on a planet that was under special observation and that the chances of survival there were promising. Even though not everyone agreed, they bowed to the decision. The transport ships of the Greys took several days to arrive on Earth. Since the flora and fauna were similar to those on Eden, the original Anunnaki were able to settle in quickly. These original Anunnaki became the Lemurians, who henceforth established a very successful society on Lemuria, based on the traditions of the original Anunnaki, but with some crucial changes that prohibited research where genetics begins. Thus, they were allowed to perform certain actions on the body, but they were forbidden to go deeper into genetics. Much later, when the continent of Lemuria perished, some surviving Lemurians founded the conglomerate of the Atlantean city-states with their capital Atlantis, where the Great Pyramid of Giza stands today. You can read all about this in the series on Lemuria and Atlantis, because we have really revealed a lot about it. When the Traditionalists – as the new Lemurians – were settled on Lemuria, they didn’t want any more support from the race of the Greys. The original Anunnaki have always been very sovereign beings, completely self-sufficient in any environment, so they rejected all offers of help from the Greys and settled this continent from that day forward. Next, we would like to talk about the second group of traditionalists who did not want to be settled on Earth because they feared the competition of modern humans at that time.
What happened to the second group
The second group was settled in the Andromeda Galaxy. From there, this group successfully spread, with the planet that was home to five hundred original Anunnaki now having a human species that no longer resembles the original Anunnaki. We explained to you in the series on the evolutionary history of the human species that the first evolutionary leap will be a mental leap and all subsequent evolutionary leaps will always be physical in nature, although the mental aspect should not go unmentioned because these aspects are interrelated. If the body changes in the evolutionary steps, the consciousness of the being will automatically increase. We have repeatedly referred to this connection in detail in the general blog. The human body before the second evolutionary leap still looks for the most part exactly like your present body on earth. After that, all human races without exception evolve over a very long time into a being you call a tall white Grey. Tall white Greys are the Aryans you know, although they do not have blond hair or blue eyes, they do not even look very human any more, as you would currently define human appearance. The human blueprint is an extension of the grey blueprint, therefore all human species will one day approximate the grey blueprint. However, in order for the human species to be distinguished from the species of the Greys, the Wingmakers have made changes so that the human species will later become taller and the skin colour will become whiter, but the head shape and physical appearance will be that of a Grey. The head of a tall white Grey has even more human features than is the case with the Greys, but in general the human being looks more like a Grey in its final evolutionary leaps. There are no great Greys, as you might suppose, but the Greys are always beings smaller than a European man. We had addressed all this about human history in the general blog and some readers were amazed when we were able to reveal all these connections to them in a plausible way.
The home planet of the second group of traditionalists is now home to the descendants of unchanged original Anunnaki, who already closely resemble the tall white Greys. The home planet, like Earth, was very fertile, but there were no humans on the planet at that time. These original Anunnaki developed quite quickly into real telepaths and now millions of years have passed in which they were able to make many evolutionary leaps. They still have some evolutionary leaps ahead of them, which will allow this human race to rise to become true Aryans. Aryans should not be confused with the ideological fantasy images of your ruling class at the time of the Second World War, but the term Aryan comes from today’s Belarus, because there the Vedas of that time were already instructed in what the human species will one day become. We have already described this extensively in a long series on the Vedas. When the original Anunnaki become Aryans, they will have achieved something that many human races are still waiting for, because at present there are only a few races of Aryans in your universe. Many human races are taking a different path, as the Lemurians did on Earth. When Atlantis sank, some surviving modern humans from Atlantis founded the city-state of New Atlantis on an archipelago west of Cyprus. New Atlantis has gone down in history, although strictly speaking it was only a remnant of the previously powerful Atlantis, but this archipelago is what Plato’s stories are about. The modern humans from Atlantis lived in New Atlantis from then on, but the Lemurians from the Atlantian city states retreated completely underground, so that today more humans live at a depth of 72 kilometres than on the surface of the earth. However, the humans in the underground cities also no longer participate in natural evolution, because these underground cities have an energetic hemisphere that stops natural evolution.
We have explained all this in detail and now not only the scribbler wonders why we keep coming back to what we have already revealed. Because you, dear readers, should start reading the scribbler’s blog from the beginning so that all these connections become known to you. This is why we are doing all this. We are training you and for that you should know where the training starts. We told the scribbler years ago that we would reveal many things to him and he immediately began to meticulously record everything. These protocols can be found on his blog and in several books because everything started with the first entry. A0001 is the name of the first entry and that is where you should all start, even if the first entries are still quite short and sometimes not so clear to read, because everyone starts with something once and everything has to be trained.
These traditionalists of the time spread very quickly in the Andromeda Galaxy. A splinter group of them ensured over 10,000 years ago that Enki could not wipe out the earthly humans, because even then they saw in you their brothers and sisters and still do today. You are genetically related to each other because this race of humans had ensured early on that their genetic profile was adopted into your gene pool. They will make official first contact with you because they look quite like you, although they experienced their first evolutionary leap a long time ago. They have been waiting for this for a very long time because this first contact has already been postponed twice. But now it is certain that this so important first contact can no longer be delayed and the gigantic spaceships have long since taken up their position in the firmament so that they can soon readjust their holding forces to your plane of existence. When they do, you will see them as small glittering dots in the firmament and from that moment everything will change for you. We have often spoken about this as well. They are eagerly awaiting it because they themselves know what a moment it must be when you realise practically overnight all over the Earth that there must be an interstellar community coming to visit with their huge spaceships.