B061: Why was there almost a civil war on Eden several million years ago? – Part 2

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When the Traditionalists fled Eden with their spaceships in a cloak-and-dagger operation, 37 of their ringleaders were in custody for openly inciting violence against the state apparatus. On Eden, the clashes were localised because the traditionalists gathered for self-protection and established an enclave on Eden that was under their control. They repeatedly flew with many followers to a certain metropolis on Eden to stand up for their right to integrity with much fanfare. Many traditionalists also destroyed belongings in the metropolis, so that protection units were constantly called to these demonstrations. By this time, most of the original Anunnaki were already genetically modified because they had their genetic make-up altered or were already born that way. It had also become a good habit to have changes made to the genetic make-up if there were any abnormalities that were outside the Zeitgeist of the time. The traditionalists categorically rejected any genetic progress, whether on the animal, the plant or the anunnaki, anything that was genetically modified was shunned.

Now what made both factions fight each other so bitterly, we ask? The extremists of both camps were able to turn their members against the other faction. These extremists pushed the division of society further and further with questionable arguments. The issue of genetic modification never came to rest because the wings of the factions called for constant revolt. The extremists on both sides ensured that the issue of genetic modification was constantly discussed among their members and they virtually incited the members to fight the opposing side with all means at their disposal. The extremists of the traditionalists were in custody, so that now the conservative forces in their faction returned to their previous strength to make the only right decision and flee Eden. For a long time the conservative traditionalists had known that the fight for integrity on Eden was lost. But the extremists had the majority behind them because extremists are always charismatic beings who are usually a gain for a faction if they cannot gain too much power. The extremists gained the upper hand with the reformers and the traditionalists and just because the extremists of the traditionalists were now in prison, the struggle was far from over. For the extremists of the reformers now saw their time coming to finish off the traditionalists, but it did not come to that because the conservative forces of the traditionalists foresaw this and planned the escape long in advance.

The escape of the traditionalists
The day before, the last extremist forces of the traditionalists were arrested and the current ringleaders immediately decided to launch the long-planned escape attempt. Instead of flying back to the metropolis in their aircraft to protest for the release of the detained extremist traditionalists, the new leaders devised a ruse to get the traditionalists to safety. They took off towards the metropolis as planned, but on the way they changed direction and flew into space. There were many spaceships in space because the original Anunnaki were not so powerful at that time to keep other species off their planet. The conservative forces had been in contact with other species and had been secretly discussing an escape plan for a long time. They wanted to carry out this escape plan when the extremist forces in their own camp had either come to their senses or had been eliminated, which was now the case. There were three fast transport spacecraft in orbit around the home planet to pick up all the traditionalists. The Greys are widespread as a species and one race of Greys was closely allied with the conservative ringleaders of the Traditionalists because this race itself had made many mistakes in its early days of development with genetic experimentation. This race of Greys also became itself an artificial species that took a long time to return to the natural evolutionary path. They train young species in what it means to change the blueprint of a being too much, because they know best from their own experience what the consequences are. This species of greys will also train you in what it means to perform genetic experiments on other creatures. By this we do not mean changing the blueprint, but when supposed diseases or other disadvantages are to be compensated for by genetic adaptations. But if you change the blueprint of a species, there will always be disadvantages in the long run. The Greys also tried to train the original Anunnaki in this, but the social structure of the original Anunnaki had no body to oversee their scientists. Therefore, the scientists could do whatever they wanted and they wanted to learn a lot about what genetic changes could do. At a certain point, the Greys knew that scientific research into genetics would degenerate among the original Anunnaki and they withdrew. They did not leave the planet, however, but secretly educated other original Anunnaki about the dangers to original Anunnaki society of the ever-advancing genetic changes. The Traditionalists were a group trained in what the future path of the original Anunnaki would be if scientists continued to pursue their genetic experiments unregulated. To do this, they not only educated the later group of Traditionalists about the dangers of improper use of genetic knowledge, but the example of the Greys was effectively presented so that this group of original Anunnaki could become aware of what their society was heading towards. To prevent the catastrophe, many original Anunnaki tried their hand at educating their fellow citizens, but the lure of genetics was greater, so no one wanted to believe in the future dangers because, after all, nothing could happen to them at that time. So all the prophecies faded away and the group became more and more radical because the discontent in the group grew. Many hundreds of earthly years later, the extremists on both sides had come to power and the situation escalated further. This led to original Anunnaki, increasingly dying on the side of the traditionalists, because the population increasingly saw the traditionalists as an enemy within.

The genetically modified original Anunnaki had no reason to change their current course of action because society was obviously experiencing a heyday in which hardly any original Anunnaki became ill. No illnesses also meant a long life and now the original Anunnaki could grow older and older and enjoy their lives to the fullest, if it were not for the traditionalists who wanted to spoil any fun. The extremists among the traditionalists visited many original Anunnaki to warn them ever more urgently of the coming catastrophe, so that the citizens avoided the traditionalists wherever they could. Now that everything was abundantly available and the original Anunnaki were only waiting for scientists to announce a new breakthrough discovery, they became more and more careless. This carelessness was the beginning of their downfall because these genetic changes had already progressed so far that society had no way of simply reversing this, nor did they think of doing so. The situation was hopeless and when the extremists of the Traditionalists were taken into custody, it was possible for the conservative forces to save enough genetically unaltered original Anunnaki so that this human race could continue to exist. When the Traditionalists were taken to the three large transport spacecraft, uncertainty was high because only a small circle had been made aware of this escape plan. Nearly 1200 genetically unmodified original Anunnaki embarked on a journey that included Earth, but more on that later.

Now let us describe the disappearance of the traditionalists from the point of view of the original Anunnaki who remained on Eden and who were amazed to find that Eden remained free of protests. The arrest of the extremist traditionalists was the headline on Eden and all the inhabitants were aware that now this dispute had to escalate. The traditionalists were being persecuted by state power, but not in the way you assume. On Eden, areas were chosen that were given to the traditionalists and in which they ran the administration. An area is responsible for itself and you can liken it to a separate state on Earth, even though there are no national boundaries on Eden. You can think of it as a kingdom within a larger kingdom. The original Anunnaki did not have a ban on demonstrations. Since the pinning down of the extremists was in an area that the reformers did not control, it was a diplomatically delicate situation. But the reformers were tired of seeing all the progress being wiped out again and again by this small group, because this small group still had a say in many important decisions. The original Anunnaki have always had something like kingdoms, even if that is not quite right, but each of these areas had a say in global issues and this also applied to the small enclave of traditionalists. They used this say wherever possible and this prevented the reformers from achieving their great goal of becoming a superhuman race of Anunnaki against which hardly any other species could stand. It didn’t happen that way because there were always superior species in evolution that the Anunnaki could never hold a candle to, but they were also just getting there and the biggest obstacle was the traditionalists. This time the situation was different because in one fell swoop all the extremist traditionalists could be brought to justice. This blow against the traditionalists’ enclave was to be their downfall, at least that was the idea of the reformers, who were able to organise this great coup through cunning and trickery. The extremists were in custody and now the citizens in the metropolises were afraid to go out in the open because they suspected that the traditionalists would retaliate in some way. But this did not happen. Nor could the reformers achieve their goal of forcibly genetically altering the traditionalists so that they could, at best, reintegrate into the society of the original Anunnaki. There was therefore great disappointment among the reformers when they realised that the vast majority of the traditionalists had fled Eden. The imprisoned extremists were not genetically adapted because the reformers did not want these troublemakers to live longer than necessary. The original Anunnaki knew no death penalty, though there were internment camps where the chances of survival were slim. The extremists were as baffled by the escape of their members as the rest of the original Anunnaki society. The reformers of the original Anunnaki had a superior race in mind as they pushed the reforms further and further, and there were nearly 1200 genetically unaltered original Anunnaki now able to spread out in space, not a good omen for the super race they were aiming for. The reformers wanted to prevent this, so they let it be known that the renegade original Anunnaki would be captured to give them the choice of either being genetically adapted or having to fight for their survival in camps. Whichever they chose, soon there would be only the advanced and superior race of Anunnaki to rule many quadrants, which ultimately came to be. But as is so often the case, there is a catch to everything, which is coming into play now more than ever, because all other species are overtaking the seemingly superior Anunnaki in everything through natural evolution. This is exactly what the original Anunnaki did not want to hear back then, and the prophecies of the traditionalists were quickly forgotten. In the next part we will describe why Earth was chosen to become a new home for over seven hundred original Anunnaki several million years ago. These original Anunnaki founded the Lemurian society, of which we have already given much account. The remaining five hundred original Anunnaki were given a home in another star system and this race developed very successfully, looking very different today.

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