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B059: Why have the New Anunnaki not been noticed on Earth for millennia?
This is a valid question and we are permitted to reveal certain details because from the following information you cannot deduce where these New Anunnaki are currently located. The New Anunnaki are now sixty-seven in number as some of these New Anunnaki have passed away in the past millennia. Some New Anunnaki have felt deep feelings towards earthly women, so that their physical attraction turned into a deep sorrow when the beloved women died. Since they do not reveal themselves to many humans, the relationship with a New Anunnaki is always special, guarded like a secret until their last breath. Many New Anunnaki get over it, some don’t and if a now highly sensitive New Anunnaki keeps losing loved ones, they will fall into an emotional low that can also lead to suicide. The New Anunnaki have been able to evolve away from Anunnaki society, but some of them have been broken by it. New Anunnaki only have each other because all the humans around them keep aging and dying rapidly compared to them, only the New Anunnaki look exactly the same today as they did many millennia ago. One of the New Anunnaki died in an accident and another saved a young girl from a wild animal. The girl was able to escape, but the New Anunnaki was so badly injured that he died shortly afterwards.
What else is there to say about these New Anunnaki, we ask? They want children. Having lived on earth among you humans for thousands of years now, they were able to quickly realise that earthly families are special and they also desire such family ties because it is completely different from Eden. They also long for a wife who can stay by their side longer because the loss of a loved human is painful. These fears of loss are new to the New Anunnaki and we also feel that the constant deprivation that the New Anunnaki suffer on Earth has changed them very much. They are now much more social and this social behaviour has also made them wiser. Some of these New Anunnaki live in Europe, but more to the west of Europe. Asia is an area they have only travelled extensively in the last few decades. Most of the New Anunnaki have not experienced the world wars first hand because they avoid warfare. Few New Anunnaki live in North America and most live in South America because they find many areas in South America that are untouched or sparsely inhabited. There are strongholds of the New Anunnaki where many of their kind reside, even if their homes are far apart. However, they do not need to move around constantly as they shun publicity. New Anunnaki are also not religious or spiritual, but they occasionally hold high positions in these fields because, as a mental species, they are capable of many things, which guarantees them an advantage. If a New Anunnaki were to live in a Monastery, he could leave the Monastery after a decade or two and live in another Monastery under a different name. In this way, the New Anunnaki could roam the regions for centuries, always as a monk, and no one would suspect that this monk was already thousands of years old. Whenever he felt like it, he could leave the monastic life behind for a few decades to do something else. Your digitalised world is not yet a problem for them because there are still many places to retreat to. Some New Anunnaki also engage in handicrafts and they are skilled at it because they have really had a lot of time to practise. There are no real artists among them and the few New Anunnaki who tried their hand at it quickly gave up. No New Anunnaki will secretly run society, but occasionally New Anunnaki will briefly take a position where they can exercise command in a region because communal politics is not foreign to them. This is rare, but has happened in the past.
What are the New Anunnaki doing all this time, you may ask? What do the Anunnaki do for tens of thousands of years, we ask? Exactly, they look for a task with which they can support society. They are like wanderers who reappear every few decades in one area and then start again. Most humans who knew a New Anunnaki from their youth have passed away and even if similarities are noticed, they could always say that there is a kinship. Here we come to an important point. The New Anunnaki learned to speak because communication by means of apparatus was often not understood, as the ignorant were confused when the voice could not be located where it was supposed to be. The New Anunnaki did not take long to learn to speak, as they had to learn it quickly in order to make themselves understood without danger. New Anunnaki are very clever, so they were also able to anticipate many things. This helped them to stay out of trouble.
Today, if a New Anunnaki is looking for a dwelling, they only need to use the New Anunnaki network and they will be helped where that network operates. Today you use the internet, but in the past secret societies were used to give the New Anunnaki the protection they need, because New Anunnaki are actually something like gods in the eyes of those in the know. These secret societies have been around for a very long time. Before today’s writing was invented, there were secret societies that protected the New Anunnaki because they are mentally capable of many things that still fascinate the lodge brothers today. A lodge is always structured so that the few rule over the many and only the high order brothers are actually in contact with the New Anunnaki network. This brotherhood exists in indigenous, as well as in western and asian cultures. There are not very many of these lodges, but those that are in contact with the New Anunnaki have great influence, so a New Anunnaki will always be helped. How do the lodge brothers know who is a New Anunnaki, you may ask? A New Anunnaki, like an Anunnaki, is a mentally advanced being who can trigger many things in a human. Among other things, Anunnaki mentally stimulate the libido of the Anunnakian woman and can mentally induce emotional outbursts in a human. If a foreign New Anunnaki is announced in a lodge, he makes himself recognisable to the high brethren of the order through such emotional outbursts, which they do not often experience, because a New Anunnaki also only rarely introduces himself. When a foreign New Anunnaki introduces himself in this way, the Brother of the Order falls to his knees, as has happened in the times of the Anunnaki, without the Anunnaki having to mentally see to it. The Lodges often have great influence in their rural district, but the New Anunnaki are not interested in this, but New Anunnaki occasionally travel around to learn something new.
When a New Anunnaki desires a woman, things become complicated because he cannot get an erection when he is sexually aroused. Anatomically, a male Anunnaki looks like a hermaphrodite in the genital area because over the last millions of years the artificially created Anunnaki have undergone a transformation. Since the male Anunnaki are impotent, their sexual characteristics have continued to change because one day the body consciousnesses of the Anunnaki noticed the signs of an evolutionary leap that every human species and most non-human species will experience. If the body consciousnesses of a race on a planet in the energy field of the beings notice that this race is living less and less the physical reproduction process, then the beings will slowly transition to mentally creating their offspring. This transition will take many generations, but first the beings can decide whether to practice physical sex or to create the offspring mentally. At a certain point, the offspring will only be created mentally. We will certainly reveal how such a thing takes place soon on the scribbler’s general blog. The Anunnaki are at the stage where the body consciousnesses are seeing the first signs that the evolutionary leap is imminent. However, the Anunnaki will never achieve this evolutionary leap because they have altered their blueprint so that they cannot participate in either natural or non-natural evolution. The human blueprint records all the evolutionary leaps that each human race will go through. The first evolutionary leap is telepathy, which you will also experience shortly after your impending first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species on Earth. You will become a telepathic species because almost all intelligent life forms have mastered telepathy. Then over a long period of time you will physically and mentally evolve into a human being known as the tall white grey. The Anunnaki no longer participate in this evolution, but because the New Anunnaki among you humans have regained human behaviour, they feel something like a sexual attraction. However, they can never really act on this sexual attraction because their genitals have atrophied over the last millions of years. Neither can they get an erection, nor can they be satisfied naturally. Therefore, New Anunnaki must be stimulated long and intensively by human women in order to experience some kind of satisfaction. When Seth and his entourage had to promote civilisations on Earth as punishment and train the communities there, many Anunnaki enjoyed the human experience of life. This led over many centuries to seventy-one Anunnaki wanting to remain on Earth unobserved so that they would no longer lose this sense of life. These Anunnaki have gone down in your history books as the fallen angels, although as is too often the case we only find a small spark of truth in these stories. The New Anunnaki today are peaceful contemporaries who, after all these millennia, cannot let go of the earthly way of life. They travel around and stay in one place for a long time, but they do not feel like humans, not even as Anunnaki, so that they may truly bear the designation New Anunnaki.