B056: Why does the spiritual world tolerate the actions of the Anunnaki?

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What is the spiritual world, you should first ask yourselves, and when we tell you what constitutes the spiritual world, you will also understand why it would make no sense at all for us spiritual beings to interfere in your worldly concerns. Imagine the spiritual world as a huge energy bubble. Within this energy bubble are smaller energy bubbles, which we would call the main levels of the spiritual world. Outside this huge energy bubble there is another energy bubble that surrounds the spiritual world. Taken together, these energy bubbles represent All That Is. Some of you also call this energy construct the Creator Being or God, but that is a designation that the spiritual world can do nothing with. All of us and everything that exists in this vast energy construct are this Creator Being because all of us and every stone or speck of dust in your universe were created from this energy. The spiritual world exists in All That Is because the spiritual world is a part of All That Is. In All That Is there is also something outside the spiritual world that belongs to All That Is, but where we spiritual beings generally do not gain access because that is where the first spiritual beings have their plane of existence. These enormous spiritual beings operate a redistribution of the amount of energy that has always constituted the Creator Consciousness as All That Is. These first spiritual beings in All That Is do not care what we do in the spiritual world, but they redistribute this amount of energy that we receive and use in the spiritual world. The twelve main energy levels receive their amounts of energy from these first beings and we spiritual beings in the spiritual world do a lot with this energy because we are also largely made up of these forms of energy. The Creator Consciousness divided its own consciousness more and more in order to create spiritual beings from it, which will always react somewhat differently to a situation. This created souls, which in turn began to divide themselves, giving rise to incarnations. Incarnations are created by souls because this is based on a different process of creation than was the case with the creator beings and his souls. In this respect, souls in the spiritual world exist in smaller numbers in relation to the total number of spiritual beings than is the case with incarnations. A soul does not lose itself in the consciousnesses of the created incarnations. Souls let incarnations do whatever they want because incarnations are independent beings, just like souls. Souls can experience planes that incarnations do not have access to, which means that unlike a soul, incarnations can do much less on the spiritual plane. Souls, in turn, can do much less on the higher planes than the beings the Creator Being first created. So it continues in the other direction, so that incarnations can do much more than living beings could. Each incarnation is capable of creating its own universe, like the one in which you currently exist. Most incarnations do not do this because it is an incredible amount of work, but we as spiritual beings would be able to do this because one incarnation alone can handle much greater amounts of energy than your universe contains. One incarnation could create or destroy a universe because we have the capacity to do so. Because universes are so small in terms of the amount of energy they contain, they are not noticeable in the spiritual world. On the main energy level of matter, all universes exist as tiny packets of energy created by spiritual beings more powerful than souls. The Wingmakers are these beings and their task involves promoting life whenever possible, so that a great many beings help the Wingmakers to build worlds in universes that can give rise to life.

As in a vast garden, a great many beings work to ensure that this garden can grow and flourish. Since the crops not only want to be nurtured but also to develop, the beings in this garden make sure that they are given the opportunities to do so. But because this garden is so vast, it must also be tended by many gardeners and planned by many organisers. The planning is so complex that the gardeners receive precise instructions on where and what to grow in order to ensure that the garden can continue to grow harmoniously. Therefore, gardeners must not start planting their own crops in the vast garden or change the composition of the crops, because very far ahead planning has been done so that the garden grows bigger and bigger without the quality of the crops decreasing. Therefore, all beings who have been entrusted with the care of the garden must abide by the prevailing rules. If you will, your universe could be such a garden that must be cared for so that everything in the universe can always evolve. Every species has the right to self-determination and in the vast garden every plant is always allowed to grow and flourish according to the design of the garden. If a plant wants to develop strong roots that disturb neighbouring plants, the gardener must not intervene and must leave the garden to itself so that the neighbouring plants can also develop stronger roots or are weakened. The gardeners’ rules state that no plant may be prevented from spreading as far as it wants in that garden. Furthermore, plants that appear weak must not be transplanted or otherwise supported, because the garden as a biotope should regulate itself naturally. You as an earthly human race are such a plant and the Anunnaki are a neighbouring plant that has branched out strongly and affected you somewhat. It is up to you whether you branch out more and more in your universe so that the humans of Earth always evolve or you give up and let yourselves down because you cannot stand against other human races or species. If the spiritual world were to promote you more than other species, the imbalance in the garden that is your universe would become rampant, so that the quality of the garden would suffer. If one species cannot prevail, it will perish and natural selection will ensure that the remaining species are given better opportunities to strengthen their roots so that the next challenges can be more easily overcome. This is the natural advantage that every species develops and is always arranged in phases of evolutionary leaps. Earthly humanity has not yet made an evolutionary leap. As long as you can evolve freely and naturally, you strengthen your own roots and are more resistant to outside influences, because these strengthened roots are naturally worked out through evolution.

The Anunnaki have strengthened certain root strands but they have also stopped their natural evolution because they can no longer evolve in any form. This gave them a short-term advantage over neighbouring species, but because neighbouring species always evolve naturally, they soon reached the present root strength of the Anunnaki. And because the evolution is far from over, the root strength of the neighbouring species of the Anunnaki will soon be stronger, so that in this garden the Anunnaki will soon be the plant showing the weakest root strands. When that time comes, the neighbouring roots will push the Anunnaki out of their garden because the weakest plant will die. That is why we kept saying that sooner or later the Anunnaki will disappear from your universe, because as a species they no longer have any advantage over the rest of the universe. They are doomed to disappear one day as a culture because they will be overtaken by all species in their evolution, leading to natural selection. The Anunnaki know this and they are also very aware that earthly humans gave the go-ahead for this over 11,000 years ago. You earthly humans are the most extreme human race that your Universe has produced. Since you have received the most extreme adjustments from the Wingmakers of all human races, you can also develop the furthest. You are the most successful plant in the garden and you will naturally spread the furthest. More! Since you can also produce seedlings with other plants, in the end the earthly genes will be represented in every human race in your universe. Therefore, sooner or later all offspring in this garden will have earthly roots, which will assert themselves through the strong roots of the offspring in the garden. The Anunnaki do not have this possibility because they are artificial beings that cannot evolve or interbreed with other species. They have had an advantage over other species over a long period of time, but that advantage cannot be evolved and worse, all species have naturally already gained that advantage and they are constantly evolving. The Anunnaki will become extinct, that is as clear as the amen in the church. That is why entities among the Anunnaki are always trying to persuade them to change their ways. But like the gardeners in the vast garden, we too must follow rules that forbid interfering with the natural evolution in the garden, because the garden is supposed to regulate itself without us conceding any advantage or disadvantage to any plant. You will go down in history as the crown of creation because you will share your genes with all the human races in your universe. In many millions of years there will be human beings so powerful that they will dwarf even the tall white greys of today. Because the human races are raising offspring with earthly roots that can fully utilise the human blueprint so that they gain abilities that are almost like a spiritual being. If physical beings who could create universes themselves rule in your universe, what will the Anunnaki do about it, we ask? Nothing, because their present advantage will soon become an ever-increasing disadvantage. And even then they will have little chance of regaining the human blueprint because they will no longer be able to mix with any human race. All human races will then have reached an evolutionary stage where they mentally create their offspring. By that time the Anunnaki will no longer exist because your Universe as a whole will have reached a stage of evolution before then where the Anunnaki species will no longer have any means to continue as before. They will go on like this for many hundreds of thousands of years, but they can no longer stop their downfall. You present humans will not live to see all this, but your descendants will see the first signs of it in a few generations. The earthly human race will evolve so rapidly that it will displace the Anunnaki from more and more quadrants of your universe. That this will happen has to do with your extreme adjustments that will cause you to drive pests out of your garden. The Anunnaki do not yet suspect this, although the Anunnaki Seth knew many millennia ago what you will be capable of as an earthly human race. You and all other human races will ensure that one day the Anunnaki will no longer exist. Exactly how that will happen will be the subject of the general blog one day, when we will describe the warfare of advanced species. In this series we will also give a glimpse of how Earthly humans will ensure that the Anunnaki are pushed further and further back in their present sphere of influence until they have only their own star system at their disposal. That will be the moment when the Anunnaki species will be faced with the choice of perishing quietly or resetting their blueprint so that they once again become the original Anunnaki who can participate in evolution in your universe. But the present Anunnaki will disappear, this way or that. It is up to them to decide which way they will go. That is why it is so important that the spiritual world allows each plant in your great garden to choose how far it wants to branch its roots in order to be integrated into the great garden community.

What happens when all intelligent beings in a universe have made the final evolutionary leap, we ask? Then they will look out from their universe to younger universes to help the individuals there who have not yet progressed very far to evolve, because physical beings are allowed to do what spiritual beings are denied for good reason. Whether a person maintains a mental connection with such a being from another universe can undoubtedly not be determined by the individual, but these beings also no longer differ much from a spiritual being.

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