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B054: How did the Anunnaki become so advanced without curiosity?
The Anunnaki are light years ahead of you technologically. When we consider your complicated devices, we can note that the Earth species is many steps ahead of most species in your universe. But now we must disappoint the proud earthly reader, because this was not a compliment, but just the opposite. Yes, you are capable of some outstanding things through your technological achievements, but at what cost, we ask? All your apparatus, without exception, is actually useless, for it lasts only a short time before it is replaced, because you, as a disposable society, have designed it that way. One type of utensil that the Anunnaki use that you are familiar with is the cooking pot.
The Cooking Pot
Many species prepare their food in some type of cooking pot. The cooking pot of an Anunnaki may have been created thousands of years ago without it now being defective or showing signs of wear. An Anunnaki cooking pot also does not need a fireplace or a cooker, because the cooking pot contains an energy source that supplies itself with energy. There is no apparatus or crystal in the bottom of such a cooking pot because the bottom of the cooking pot is made of a Metamaterial that can store amounts of energy similar to a crystal and is mentally programmed. This cooking pot lasts forever. When the Anunnaki adds his food there, he mentally instructs the cooking pot how warm the food should be and at what interval the food should be stirred. Neither is the bottom of the cooking pot heated nor are harmful rays released there as in your microwaves, but the energy potential of the food is increased in the corresponding heat frequency. The food can also be set in motion by energetic interactions of the fields in the pot, but this is hardly necessary because the food is heated evenly by the process of energy increase. The Anunnaki consume their food like the humans in the Orient today, so they do not know the table etiquette of today’s Western societies. They have also evolved in that direction but rather slowly and generally it can be said that the Anunnaki are very clean but your table manners are foreign to them.
Construction Tools
If the Anunnaki need a place to stay, one will be provided for them. The buildings of the Anunnaki are built by apparatus. The so-called construction engineer mentally enters the values of the dwelling, which such a device then builds independently in a short time. This construction device draws its resources for the construction of the dwelling from the air, even if you can hardly imagine it. Air molecules are made up of atoms and if you increase the energy of one atom sustainably, it will be another atom, depending on the amount of energy that has been added. The dwelling, so to speak, is formed from the air and a lot of energy input. The amount of energy for this is enormous and it seems quite practical that a single gold atom is sufficient to construct a staircase for this dwelling from the surrounding air. The Anunnaki use gold for everything you cannot even imagine today.
The Fountain of Youth
The Anunnaki hardly age, but Anunnaki amongst themselves can tell very accurately how old an Anunnaki is. Anunnaki are very vain, although they place little value on jewellery or robes. These subtle signs of ageing are annoying to them, even though a human can hardly notice these differences. The ageing process of a human is like a transformation into a zombie in the eyes of an Anunnaki, even if they do not know what zombies are supposed to be. A thirty-year-old earthly person has ageing characteristics that almost frighten an Anunnaki, so they have done a lot of research into how to seemingly rejuvenate their bodies. How did this come about, we ask? When the original Anunnaki on Eden were not so long-lived some millions of years ago, their vanity allowed them many fields of research. Almost every intelligent species will one day research something to do with cosmetics or so-called miracle cures. The original Anunnaki on Eden had not yet altered their human blueprint in such a way that it became the Anunnaki of today. At that time the original Anunnaki were an exploratory society, as you will soon be when official first contact is made with an intelligent extraterrestrial species. The original Anunnaki and the later traditionalists of the original Anunnaki, who later migrated to Earth as the Lemurians you know, were explorers in body and soul. That is why they also explored the possibilities of prolonging life and rejuvenating the body, because this is something that every society strives for. Much of what today’s Anunnaki scientists use comes from this ancient research. Anunnaki scientists today do not need curiosity to do their jobs because all the information has already been researched back then or is taken from other species. An Anunnaki scientist today does not research in subject areas that are foreign to him, but optimises, so to speak, what is already known. An Anunnakian researcher is given a task because a superior Anunnaki wishes that something needs to be improved or actually has an idea that occurred to him or that he copied from somewhere else. Creativity and curiosity are not alien to the Anunnaki, but they have no inner drive to pursue these traits, which is related to the fact that long ago they changed their blueprint in such a way that these so important traits for a society are underrepresented. As a result, the Anunnaki only develop something new when they need it. As each Anunnaki receives everything they need, the Anunnaki do not collect items as is common in your Western society. Anunnaki society also does not have a monetary system, but the status of an Anunnaki is earned by his deeds, so that this Anunnaki earns a reputation that is cherished like a precious treasure. If an Anunnaki is influential, he also receives more opportunities than other Anunnaki and since Anunnaki have millennia to build up their reputation, they automatically gain more influence with increasing age. An influential Anunnaki can also determine to receive a boost in a Fountain of Youth. To heal a humanoid body requires a great deal of potent energy, but to rejuvenate a humanoid body requires vast amounts of energy. On Eden, there are institutions that perform such rejuvenation and only highly respected Anunnaki are admitted. Gold is used to rejuvenate an Anunnaki, much more gold than is needed to build an Anunnaki dwelling. Therefore, only influential Anunnaki will look exactly like an earthly human in his early thirties when he is 70,000 years old. Other Anunnaki at 70,000 look like a forty-year-old earthly person who has not had to toil too hard for survival. For the Anunnaki, however, the difference between a thirty- and forty-year-old Earth person is crucial and they do everything they can to avoid looking like a zombie, if we may use that comparison. Now we want to address another device that you know on Earth, but which reveals much more imposing features in the Anunnaki.
The game console of the Anunnaki
The Anunnaki use classic board games and mentally there are games that two or more Anunnaki can play anywhere. But they have the most fun with a game box that is connected to the global-astral planes, so to speak, and that holds so many possibilities, of which we will explain some interesting ones for you. But first we want to describe this game console in its entirety, so that you have an idea of what this device contains and how it is constructed. These devices are created for one purpose only and that is to entertain beings as much as possible. For this, a user of the box can initiate a mental link or he can use it to watch remotely, so to speak. There are handheld controllers, but generally beings have the mental capacities to operate this box mentally. A game console of your time has hardly any mechanical components that move and even your hand control devices are no longer excluded from this, so that it can be said: Game consoles of earthly humans consist for the most part of electronic components that, by means of programs, usually display a content on a monitor. The user of the box usually has a control device with which the desired program can be started and used. To enhance the gaming experience, the user of the game console can play together with other people and your global internet links these players who can participate in a game very far away from each other. A gamer can interact with a game console or they can have a certain content demonstrated to them.
Now when we tell you that the Anunnaki game console provides exactly the same thing, only in different forms, without even an electronic component, it will surprise you. But remember back to the cooking pot. This game console is constructed in almost exactly the same way, with only insignificant differences, which we will now reveal:
- A game console is a small box that has neither mechanical nor electronic components. The outer shape resembles a hand-sized box that neither has a top nor needs to be aligned. Like a cooking pot, this box is powered by its own energy source and is almost indestructible because the box has to be something that angry younglings of the Anunnaki can also throw at the wall without damaging the box. Many boxes have had to survive the decades of Anunnaki youth rage and they still function today, just as they were created untold ages ago.
- A box can represent the content presented mentally as well as visually. The content presented visually has a spatial depth that rivals your current visual experience. The image can be adjusted in its visual size and variety. Does an Anunnaki want to experience themselves as one of the main characters in a mentalfilm or perceive the actions more apart from the main action? A mentalfilm consumed by the Anunnaki can represent the actual action from any perspective, so you could experience the same mentalfilm from very different perspectives without any change to the main action. You could change the plot of a mentalfilm through this box, but the Anunnaki lack the creativity and patience to create, so today’s Anunnaki are the sole consumers of mentalfilms created by many species. If an Anunnaki watches a mentalfilm visually or mentally, he will perceive more than just the dialogue and visual presentations used, so that a game box of far advanced civilisations can also produce other perceptions in the consumer. This means, among other things, the emotional worlds of the protagonists and also the senses of smell and taste are partially stimulated. Such a game box of the Anunnaki can transport the content multidimensionally, so that you can assume the difference to your present game box as follows: A human of the Middle Ages has a different experience when listening to an exciting story than if this person suddenly sits in one of your present cinemas and is presented the story splendidly. This person of the Middle Ages would be absolutely amazed and could not believe what he or she experienced in a cinema. And this is exactly how you would feel today if you were to connect with a highly advanced game box of the Anunnaki or any other highly advanced species. This game box, when mentally connected, can weave the player or viewer of a mentalfilm directly into the action, so that you are mentally one of the characters experiencing the wildest adventures. The comparison with an astral journey or a lucid dream comes close, with the consumer of the game box always fully aware. The possibilities are promising and we hope that one day we will get the opportunity to discuss this topic in more detail.
Now why are the Anunnaki so advanced when they have little curiosity, we ask? Because they had already explored a great deal before their transformation into the Anunnaki of today, and they only explore further when they are compelled to do so because there is a good reason. They also have many contacts with other advanced civilisations that allow them to trade advanced technology for goods, as almost all interstellar-travelling species do. Even though they have little curiosity, they are always advancing technologically, although the term technology is interpreted differently by most highly advanced species than it is by you on Earth. The Anunnaki’s lack of curiosity is especially noticeable where they encounter other beings and this does not exclude their own species. The lack of curiosity has caused reproductive practices to come to a halt, as well as the social evolution of the Anunnaki, which will also soon herald their demise as a species, but it will be many millennia before that happens.