B052: What does an Anunnaki barque look like? – Part 1
An Anunnaki barque is a smaller spaceship that does not have the outward appearance found in the Egyptian cult of the dead. We will now list the different categories of Anunnaki spaceships, although we will only describe the types of spaceship that should be of most interest to you at this time.
The small transport spacecraft
In connection with the Anunnaki people speak of a flying barque, although strictly speaking it is a transport spacecraft of the Anunnaki. Let us move on to the external form of the spaceship, although current spaceships have already undergone a change as each species advances in this area. A barque was rather small in size. A length of thirteen metres, a width of five and a half metres and a height of almost four metres describes a conventional barque of its time very accurately. The length is special because barques usually carried crews or goods. Neither was a barque intended for military use, nor equipped for interplanetary travel, so barques were used for transport between Fleet Cruisers or to get to the surface of a nearby planet. Why could these transport vehicles not be used for travel between planets, we ask? The energy crystals could not build up the energy fast enough for long journeys, so the crew would have to make stops in the middle of space with the barge so that the energy crystals would have time to recharge the amount of energy to start the next sprint to the destination. For interplanetary travel, other vehicles were chosen, which we will address later. The barque had a dark and dull hue that could be seen in and on the barque. Barques are not painted unless they are special barques. A barque that was to collect tribute or carry weighty personages were also artistically enhanced.
The dark and dull shade is because the material is special, which we may discuss in a future series on Metamaterials. Metamaterials have completely different properties than the materials you are familiar with. A sheet of paper can be transformed into a Metamaterial in an instant by a flash of thought and with a sufficient amount of energy. Depending on what properties you want the Metamaterial to have, your sheet of paper could be incredibly light and almost indestructible. You could make a car body from sheets of paper placed over a mould that is almost indestructible in certain areas and has a lot of crush capacity in others. This meta-body will not rust, nor will it need to be maintained, because it will keep its shape until you transform it into something else. All advanced species do this, although most of them use other processes. A barque has outer walls that have been moulded from a light and easily mouldable base material. These foils on the moulds have been transformed into Metamaterials and the more the properties of the source material differ from the Metamaterial, the more energy is required. The larger the objects that are transformed into Metamaterial, the more energy is required to do so. Since these enormous amounts of energy cannot be constantly withdrawn from the astral plane, the Anunnaki need the gold that they collect everywhere in the universe. Even a single gold atom harbours vast amounts of energy needed to transform the Metamaterials. That is the only reason why Anunnaki long ago started plundering the gold reserves of alien planets. Not only can gold allow them to form spaceships from inferior foils, but really anything an Anunnaki needs is made this way. You could do unimaginable things with gold if you understood the secrets behind it. We will reveal the concepts, even though you will only be able to do so on a large scale after your official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species. Therefore, keep what little gold you have as real treasure, for that is what it is. The spaceship is made entirely of these Metamaterials and these transporters are also made as we have just pictured.
Now let’s move on to the energy sources of the spaceships. Crystals are incredibly practical because a crystalline structure can be programmed mentally. An ordinary rock crystal can not only store enormous amounts of energy for you, but you can also give instructions to the crystal consciousness, which it then conscientiously works through. You might think that a crystal consciousness is like a computer program, but that is far too short-sighted. A computer program has to be designed and programmed from the beginning for a task, a crystal consciousness, so to speak, already brings all the computer programs with it and much more, so that you only have to instruct it understandably what its task should be. You mentally imagine what this crystal should do and the crystal consciousness does everything else. If you find this hard to believe, read the series on crystal programming in the general blog of the scribbler. You will be more than amazed at how easy it is and what can be done with it. In a spaceship there is hardly any technology as you know it and if an earthly engineer were to disassemble such a spaceship into its components, he would not be able to believe that this spaceship could fly at all, because there is nothing at all to indicate this. And yet these spaceships can fly. These craft are not only capable of flight, but they are light years ahead of any flying vehicles you have ever constructed on Earth. The Anunnaki use amounts of energy that make the construction of a spaceship possible, and these amounts of energy also make it possible to fly and pilot these flying objects without the use of mechanical aids.
A pilot mentally controls such a flying object by giving direction and speed to the crystal consciousness. The pilot connects with the consciousness in the crystal and gives instructions to fly. For this, the pilot does not have to give precise instructions, but the pilot transmits in a mental way that the spaceship should take off and this is what happens. The pilot has the feeling of taking off and the crystal consciousness then knows what to do. The pilot does not see out of a windshield, but because he is mentally connected with the crystal consciousness of the spaceship, the pilot perceives himself as this spaceship and in his inner eye the spaceship appears in relation to its surroundings. Anunnaki are mentally advanced in this area, as are all other evolved species that have mastered interstellar travel. The pilot perceives himself in the spaceship and at the same time he perceives himself as the spaceship, so you might think the pilot is somewhat dazed and more aware on the outside than around his body. This is how pilots control the spaceship and they can perceive their surroundings from all directions at the same time. If a pilot wants to fly from a Fleet Cruiser hangar to a planet, he can perceive all his surroundings up to a certain distance from his spaceship. These spaceships are practicable and nothing familiar would you discover in these flying objects. The pilot pod would be something that you might think you see something somewhat familiar, but that is a fallacy. You won’t find any input devices, control sticks or switches, and you won’t find any monitors because almost everything is controlled mentally. Inside the spaceship everything is brightly lit without you being able to discover the lamps. The crystal consciousness will not only strengthen the surrounding air so that spent air molecules are renewed, but the air molecules are brought into ecstasy so that they begin to shine and illuminate everything that can be seen in the interior. The pilot perceives the external environment as if everything is illuminated. As with you, pilots can set different frequency bands that can represent different signatures. By this we mean what the pilot is presented with by the crystal consciousness, because although the pilot is aware of himself as the spaceship, his consciousness is not aware of himself outside the spaceship, but the crystal consciousness presents this outside perception to the pilot. That is why pilots of flying objects can perceive much more than your technical devices can ever present. How does a pilot manage to perform incredible flight manoeuvres that demonstrably contradict the laws of physics? The crystal consciousness will use the outer form of the flying object as a floating shell. If enough energy is channelled into a conventional pan, the external shape of the pan will determine its flotation behaviour. The bottom of the pan is shaped like a shell, so amounts of energy in the pan will always generate lift. The concept should be brought to you figuratively first, so we will delve into the flying behaviour of objects at a later time. Every flying object of the Anunnaki is marked and since these objects can fly, the emblems also have something to do with birds. Flying discs marked with a pair of feathered wings have been used as symbols by the flying space squads, but the emblems on the spaceships also describe what space caste that spaceship comes from. Many emblems are similar and can only be correctly distinguished by those in the know. Usually these space squads fly long distances and then stay at their destination for a very long time. Fleet Cruisers that patrol space do not exist, but Fleet Cruisers serve as a habitat in which the Anunnaki lack nothing, otherwise they would not last long on a spaceship. Fleet Cruisers back then were on average one hundred kilometres long. Today they are shorter, because Anunnaki do not stay in one place as long as they did then, but we will clarify that in another entry. These now rather smaller Fleet Cruisers also existed in a similar form at the time when the Anunnaki raged on Earth, but they had different tasks then than today. There are hardly any smaller spaceships, so that the next largest category after a barque has something to do with military tasks, which we want to address among other things in the second part of this small series. We want to give you one more hint so that you understand what it means to spend a long time on a spaceship that has nothing to offer the occupants but the work that has to be done every day. If you were to be confined for a long period of time in a spacious cell with only a bed and a toilet, most human beings would go insane in a very short time. If you keep this in mind, you will understand why there must be starships that far exceed the size of the Anunnaki Fleet Cruisers, even if you can hardly imagine it today. The ships that will occupy a geostationary position in your firmament when official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species begins in a few years time will be larger than the hundred kilometre Fleet Cruisers of the Anunnaki of that time. At first you will only see a small glittering dot in the firmament, which always seems to glitter at the same point in the firmament, day and night. But when you find out what it is and how far away it has taken up a geostationary position, you will get a feeling for what enormous spaceships they must be. These spaceships will come closer and closer over the years and you will then be able to see their shape in the sky with the naked eye. When these spaceships are positioned so close to the earth, you will discover these small space transporters flying tirelessly between these Fleet Cruisers, as if on a motorway in the sky, between the gigantic spaceships. There will be no Anunnaki spaceships among them, but what you see will leave you speechless. And it is meant to, because this is an intended reaction so that you can be pacified on Earth. In all the years of official first contact, the extraterrestrials in these spaceships have not made contact with Earth, and they do not respond to attempts at contact from Earth because that is also by design. The transport spacecraft will fly lower and lower over time until you can see the occupants from the ground. You will be relieved to find that they look exactly like the humans of Earth, because all this is written down in the blueprint for making official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species. This official first contact has been conducted with all interstellar travelling species, including the Anunnaki, and now it is your turn on Earth. You on Earth are the next species to be accepted into the community of interstellar travelling species when your official first contact is completed at the end of your present decade. We have already covered all this in detail on the scribbler’s general blog, so you can read about it there.