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B051: Why are gods depicted with non-human head shapes?
We start by explaining why the ancient Egyptians depicted figures who were human, but who were depicted with bird heads, among other things. When you have learned the background, we will tell you why even today humans believe that such beings actually existed. The two must be considered separately because they are fundamentally different subjects.
The Egyptian Birdman
A bird-man in ancient Egyptian belief always symbolises a god. Horus is his name and on his wings the barque of the dead flies towards the legendary afterlife. This is what the belief says and it actually happened in the past in the times of the Anunnaki. When the dead representatives of the gods arrived on the Fleet Cruiser of the Anunnaki, they were preserved on site for eternity and many of these mummies still lie there today as exhibits because the Anunnaki have done this since the beginning of their gold plundering. When a pharaoh or a representative of the gods died, the procession was precisely determined. The priestly caste has a rite for all eventualities because the Anunnaki created the priestly caste as they felt that this must be exactly the best solution for all situations that arise. Everything that happens on a planet, by that we mean within the sphere of influence of the representatives of the gods, was very precisely regulated by the priestly caste. These rules were established by the Anunnaki because they had hundreds of thousands of years to devise the best procedures to nip all problems in the bud when plundering the gold reserves. This procedure guarantees that it will always appear that the representatives of the gods will initiate something new. All this is prescribed in the blueprint for looting gold reserves on alien planets and all the Anunnaki space squads entrusted with collecting the gold reserves will follow this blueprint with all its specifications to the letter. A priestly caste is as much a part of this blueprint as a god representative who rules the region according to the will of the Anunnaki. Every ritual is not described there, but rituals that occur in some form in the promoted cultures are listed there because rituals are important in guiding groups of people. Only where many and sustainable rituals are practised are the humans obedient and usually do what the leaders of the groups of people dictate. The celebration of birthdays is as much in the blueprint as the cult of the dead. Horus is not a real god, but a living Anunnaki, and this Anunnaki was familiar with exactly how the cult of the dead can be brought to individual cultures. A death cult as a ritual is not written down to the smallest detail, but the blueprint for looting gold reserves on alien worlds already specifies quite precisely how this death cult must be practised with god representatives. When a god representative dies on a planet, everything must be done to ensure that the new god representative immediately receives the high status in society that the previous god representative already had. This is why the cult of the dead was created and the mummification of a body is a peculiarity of the Anunnaki, because dead Anunnaki are preserved for eternity in exactly this way. When you visit dead Anunnaki in their tombs you will be more than amazed because these dead bodies are better preserved than the mummies you know. You would not be able to tell at all whether there is a living or a dead Anunnaki standing before you, for a dead and preserved Anunnaki looks almost exactly as they did when they were alive. They look alive, but they are only dead shells because the consciousnesses have long since ceased to dwell in this universe. The Anunnaki did not go about preserving their dead brothers and sisters without a background, but they had a valid reason for doing so long ago.
The cult of the dead
When the Anunnaki long ago altered their human blueprint to create an Anunnaki blueprint from it, they also promptly discovered that the new Anunnaki were no longer inhabited by a spiritual being. Spiritual beings fill the flesh of the newborn with their life energy, which the child needs to grow and live. When the Anunnaki changed the blueprint, the lifespan could be increased more and more and when they reached a high lifespan, the descendants of the Anunnaki died after a short time. This did not take place overnight, but was a gradual transition. When a human dies, he usually sees the incarnation tunnel, which you also call the tunnel of light. When the deceased passes through this tunnel, all emotional connections to the bodily life are severed. You awaken as the person from Earth on a spiritual plane outside your universe and you no longer have any emotional connections to life on the planet, although you are still the same person. You awaken and know that you have briefly participated in a truly historic event. This event has fundamentally changed you. You have existed for an unspeakably long time before this life and you will still exist after the bodily life until the end of days, but as the person you have been on earth. Before incarnating into the bodily life, however, you were a different incarnation from the one you are now or the one you will be. When you die, you will still develop very far as humans. A lifetime on a planet can be seen by you in retrospect as a unifying game in which you have done your best during the game. But when the game is over, you do what you used to do on this spiritual plane. At first this sounds unbelievable to you, but you must remember that physical life on a planet has the temporal dimension of the blink of an eye. You, as spiritual beings, have existed for an eternity compared to human life and you will never die because you cannot die. What are eighty human years, we ask? Not even the perceived time of a blink of an eye, so that after the bodily life you perceive this life as a short but intense game. It no longer has any meaning for you, therefore the further course of your earthly family and friends will no longer interest you. Strictly speaking, your family and friends are only further participants in the game who will soon also pass through the incarnation tunnel in order to awaken in the spiritual world. If you like, you can believe that two spiritual beings meet again after the bodily life in which they were victim and perpetrator. They would then say something like the following:
The perpetrator: “Oh, it’s you. Sorry, that was really intense. How did you get on?”
The victim: “Ha! It was you. Yes, it was really exciting. I then went on to get married, conceive children and farm the garden.”
If indeed these beings were to meet, the conversation might go like this because they know that it was only a brief but exceedingly eventful experience, nothing more. A spiritual being does not have a biological body that dictates many behaviours and there is little you can do about them other than act them out. All emotions, all fears and desires are controlled by your physical body. As a spiritual being you are pure consciousness and you experience strong feelings, but nothing more. We do not need to reproduce, nor do fears take possession of us. We do not know hunger or thirst. We do not need possessions because we can create anything we want through a few thoughts, but we do not possess a body that receives or sends signals through sensors. Therefore, every spiritual being is basically indifferent to how life continues on the world on which it previously died. It does not interest them at all. The situation is different with the Anunnaki, because the consciousnesses of the Anunnaki do not reach the spiritual world, but remain on a subplane of the spiritual world. The Anunnaki can never escape from this subplane. The Anunnaki do not have a solid body on this subplane, as in your universe, but a so-called protobody, even if this comparison is not quite correct. This body is a quasi-body that functions in a similar way as in your universe. This body also has sensors that allow the consciousness of the Anunnaki to experience this subplane, but neither does the body become ill or can suffer damage, nor does the body need to be cleansed or strengthened through food intake. But this quasi-body still generates fears, desires and also other behaviours that you know from your body. Only these are all specifications of the body, which are not as intensely developed as in your universe. Dead Anunnaki can also make mental journeys, but they are not capable of mentally manifesting anything on their subplane. Although they mentally travel the spiritual world, they can only observe, but they cannot use the energies to create anything. We and you too, dear readers, are spiritual beings. If you were dead, you could create universes and real life forms within them. This is not possible for the Anunnaki and dead Anunnaki are literally bored to death.
Here we come back to the beginning of our entry, because the Anunnaki already knew then that the spiritual world would remain closed to them as spiritual beings. But if they could manage to prevent the consciousness of a dead Anunnaki from going to this boring subplane, then the Anunnaki could at least still be present in your universe on the astral plane. It was a perfect coincidence that the corporeal body must first decompose completely in order to sever all connections with the corporeal life. Here we must differentiate even further. You as a spiritual being have an enormous consciousness and your spark of life is enormous in contrast to a dead Anunnaki. If you die and your bodily body is mummified, you are not, strictly speaking, complete in the spiritual world, because in the mummified body there are still parts of your self that are now missing in the spiritual world. But these parts are infinitesimal compared to your self in the spiritual world, so that it would not really be worth mentioning if there were not the dead beings on the subplane. If an intelligent life form is not inhabited by a spiritual being, a normal consciousness will develop there. We would also be of the opinion that most other beings would not be able to distinguish at all whether an intelligent life form is inhabited by a spiritual being or not. Non-inhabited intelligent beings develop exactly the same habits as an inhabited being because both develop a similar consciousness. It is different when this uninhabited being dies, because now the consciousness changes to this unspeakably boring subplane and ekes out its existence there until the end of time. We have already discussed this subplane in the general entries on the blog. It is beautiful there and you would consider it paradise, but you yourselves could not evolve there because you can only live there without having anything to drive you forward. You on Earth have that reason to go forward. The beings on that subplane could sit in one place under a tree for all eternity without ever stirring because there is nothing to drive them to do anything. A dead Anunnaki who is mummified still has a strong connection to this mummified body after death and therefore cannot simply move to this subplane, where they actually do not want to go either. Once they have moved to this subplane, they can never again participate in life in your universe, not even as so-called spirits, which strictly speaking do not exist. Anunnaki do not want to go to this subplane and a mummified body keeps them from going to this subplane for the time being. The parts that are contained in the mummified body of an Anunnaki make up a larger part of its self, so this bond has a strong effect. This strong attachment to the mummified body of the Anunnaki ensures that the Anunnaki is still controlled by their mummified body, even though they travel around as a dead person on an astral plane of your universe. But they are desperate to know what their reputation is because that is also controlled by the body. The quasi-bodies of the dead Anunnaki on this subplane also control the Anunnaki to a great extent, so that they behave like Anunnaki who are still alive. However, since they could not take their wealth or reputation with them to this subplane, it gnaws very much at their self-esteem and they are unhappy there. They are so bored that they are constantly mentally travelling around in the spiritual world without being able to do anything there. They are also not allowed to travel around in the universes and this bothers them the most because they are completely cut off from their people with whom they still feel a strong connection. However, you should not confuse this connection with the symbiosis of the Anunnaki in your universe and Eden, they are two different pairs of shoes, if we may put it that way. This is why the Anunnaki have an unspeakable fear of death, because this subplane promises neither pleasure nor glory, which is so important to the Anunnaki. Mummified Anunnaki have a certain grace period on the astral plane of your universe, but after many decades these beings will move to this subplane, which has been set up specifically for non-inhabited beings. There are many uninhabited intelligent life forms and almost all the humans in the underground cities are not inhabited by a spiritual being. But that is not why they are robots or so-called extras, because in every intelligent life form there is a consciousness that continues to exist after the death of the body, but only inhabited life forms have all the possibilities of incarnation after death.
Let us now briefly return to the ancient Egyptian bird-men. Horus was an Anunnaki who specialised in one area and each group of Anunnaki who specialised in one area has its own emblem. These emblems are incorporated in one way or another by cultures into their god beliefs that had something to do with the Anunnaki, because the specialised groups carried these emblems everywhere. Horus was one who brought the techniques of mummification and the cult of the dead to you, even though the Anunnaki were capable of much more through their technologies than what you think you know about it today.
Real Bird People
We told you in the Atlantis series that Atlantean scientists discovered how to change the appearance of a life form. The first successes of these scientists stunned the whole of Atlantian society because they were able to manipulate chicken eggs so that the chick was a chicken that had the external appearance of a human. This little creature looked like a small human but behaved like a chicken. This little creature had the internal structure of a chicken, the behaviour of a chicken, the flesh of a chicken and the organs were those of a chicken. The external appearance, however, was that of a small human the size of a chicken. This new science was pushed further and further until modern humans were also changed in such a way that they had the external characteristics of animals. The inner structure was that of a human. These creatures behaved like humans because a human consciousness also grew up in these humans, only the outer appearance had more or less something of an animal. Bird-people existed, even if the heads of these humans were not as delicate as can be seen in the illustrations of the ancient Egyptians, but everyone could unmistakably see that this was a human with a bird’s head. Read the series on Atlantis and you will be amazed at what is possible, although we fervently hope that you will never again carry out these inhuman experiments on Earth or elsewhere.