B050: What happened when the uprising caused the Anunnaki to leave Earth? – Part 14

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When the Solar Council came forth to announce the restrictions that would apply to Enki, his group and the Anunnaki as such, it was not yet clear how the Anunnaki would react. It was also not impossible that other star systems would join these restrictions. However, the Solar Council suspected that Enki would never renounce the Earthly humans in order to realise his plan in some form, so the Solar Council had to protect the Earthly humans from the Anunnaki. However, they could not provide for this protection until eternity, so a period of time was set that would end when the earthly humans received their official first contact with an extraterrestrial species. Didn’t that already take place at that time when the Anunnaki were fostering earthly humans thousands of years ago, we ask? Yes and no, because an indigenous species needs a certain maturity to receive proper official first contact. Only when the maturity of the species has been achieved can official first contact take place. The Anunnaki use mechanisms of official first contact to blind a native species. However, official first contact will ensure that extraterrestrial beings are not perceived as gods, but as equals, so that the native species also realises that they now belong to this community of interstellar travelling species. The beginning is similar and the execution is often the same, but the result is completely different. If the Solar Council were to prohibit the Anunnaki from entering your star system for an uncertain period of time, other star systems might similarly crack down and then the Anunnaki society would face great problems because they might have to stop all gold mining. How the Anunnaki society would react to this could not be foreseen, so the Anunnaki were banned from your star system with their general approach until after your official first contact. Furthermore, they had to ensure that their actions on Earth could be corrected to a certain extent. Negotiations for this were undertaken afterwards, so Enki had to remain on Mars for a while until he was allowed to leave the Tribunal officially with all the formalities. This result was a boon for all star systems and also for the Anunnaki, because everyone agreed to it. What the Anunnaki did not realise, however, was that many star systems were now keeping a close eye on how the Anunnaki were fostering human races on the planets. We can announce here and now that the sacrifice of the Earth population was not in vain because the actions of the Anunnaki are now being closely monitored. All star systems are monitoring the activities of the Anunnaki very closely so that they can no longer act so inhumanely at all. No matter where Enki is stripping the next planet of its gold resources, it is under close surveillance. The life of the human races has become much better since this tribunal, but they are still deceived by the Anunnaki, not only by having their gold robbed, but also by having the development of the native race slowed down by these god cults. But since each species is allowed to promote groups on planets, this cannot be stopped completely. Enki, however, had to undertake to repair the damage done in some way so that the social evolution of the earthly species is not set back too far. For this Enki chose Seth, who was to promote the earthly peoples since those days, but in such a way that the Anunnaki culture could shine through again, so that the return of the Anunnaki could be gloriously accomplished. Seth and his entourage then had several millennia to nurture the earthly humans once more. However, the resources for this were limited and the mining of the gold was not allowed to go ahead. Seth and his entourage had plenty of time to mine the cultures and we also think they longed for the day when they were finally allowed to leave your star system. Enki had allowed himself to be celebrated as an avenging angel on Eden and wherever he appeared before Anunnaki, so that the ignominy of defeat was not burned too deeply into the memory of the Anunnaki. Every Anunnaki is told the story of the ungrateful earthly humans as a youth, so this myth can never be disproved. Enki, however, was astonished to discover that now really almost all star systems were taking a close look at the Anunnaki activities and because of this the enormous gold production could no longer be maintained. There were also star systems that banned the extraction of native humans by the Anunnaki altogether and many council meetings had to be held until the Anunnaki realised that their species would not be tolerated in that star system. This led them to seek out more and more distant star systems to find star systems that were not only suitable, but where they were also tolerated. They still find enough places where they can continue plundering gold reserves in the Anunnaki way. Today, however, we want to conclude by announcing something that will be of burning interest to you.

There are still Anunnaki on Earth today who have lived among you for thousands of years. They are not public figures, but they hold important positions that have far-reaching powers. Neither do they try to set earthly humanity against each other, nor do they hoard gold reserves that they will one day transport to Eden, but some renegade Anunnaki decided to live a simple life on earth. How is that possible when the Anunnaki know where all the Anunnaki are, we ask? That is true, but Earth is special and official contact with Earth’s population has not been allowed in this way since the days of the Flood. Seth and his entourage have had to remain on Earth for millennia without being observed by Anunnaki society, as all official Anunnaki activity has been banned in your star system, except for Seth’s redemption. Seth was present with a large spacecraft in orbit around Earth. It was not a Fleet Cruiser so the spacecraft offered much, but if you must spend millennia there, you would rather be on the beautiful surface of Earth and not in a boring spacecraft. Because the Anunnaki were no longer under strict observation, they could also use the time to reflect on their actions and what can we say: they were able to develop their humanity more and more after a very long time, so that they acted against Anunnaki reason in a very different way than was usual. These Anunnaki are still not able to perform physical sex, but they discovered lust, so that they entered into many platonic and physical love affairs with earthly women. These Anunnaki are still with you today and you would not recognise them if you stood in front of them, but they behave very humanly because they have been able to escape the Anunnaki sphere of influence for so long now. When the Anunnaki with Enki and Seth officially present themselves to you in a few centuries time, they will also be on the lookout for these renegade Anunnaki, and we will describe their actions in doing so. The earthly Anunnaki may also be called the New Anunnaki, as they prefer a different approach than the original Anunnaki. Since the New Anunnaki decided at that time not to travel back to Eden with Seth when Seth had officially finished his task on Earth, they have gone down in Anunnaki history as renegades. Since Anunnaki are very advanced mentally, the New Anunnaki on Earth were also able to quickly create an environment for themselves where they were protected. Seth was condemned with one hundred and eighty Anunnaki to promote social development on Earth after the Little Flood and seventy-one Anunnaki became the New Anunnaki and still live on the surface of Earth today. Some of the New Anunnaki also died on Earth, but the majority of them still exist today. By preferring a different way of doing things, the New Anunnaki are no longer part of the Anunnaki society. If they were captured by the Anunnaki, they would have to spend a lot of time in a re-education camp so that the New Anunnaki way of doing things could be driven out of them again. Anunnaki never kill Anunnaki just because they behave differently, but the re-education camps are to help these Anunnaki reintegrate. But because the New Anunnaki have now been able to live self-reliant lives for thousands of years, the Anunnaki would never be able to eliminate this New Anunnaki behaviour. The New Anunnaki would certainly spend the rest of their lives in these re-education camps without ever being able to regain their old life on Earth. Therefore, the New Anunnaki avoid the light of day because it is the only way they can escape the clutches of the Anunnaki. They live in many parts of the earth today and we also think they are not involved in any criminal activities, otherwise they might be exposed. They have been called the fallen angels, but as is so often the case, there is only a shred of truth in this. What do these New Anunnaki want to achieve on Earth, we ask? Not much, because they still have little curiosity, but the New Anunnaki enjoy earthly life because they are allowed to live here as they see fit and not as Anunnaki society dictates. The Anunnaki society fears the potency of these New Anunnaki, so that the New Anunnaki have only the earth in the entire universe on which they can live unmolested. Do the New Anunnaki have contact with an extraterrestrial species or the New Lemurians, we ask? They avoid contact wherever possible. They had to ask the Solar Council for permission to remain on Earth because all the Anunnaki were to leave with Seth. Seth was not pleased with the renegade Anunnaki, but he also understood their motivations, so he allowed it to happen in the first place. The Solar Council was convinced of the New Anunnaki’s intentions, so they were granted asylum on Earth. They have rules to follow and they live a quiet and carefree life. The renegade Anunnaki are still to be found in the society of your lands today, but they have no responsibility to bear in how those lands are governed. They maintain many acquaintances that allow them to be influential. This influence is limited to one area in a country, but it never goes so far that the destinies of the country or other countries are determined by them. They have not added any special skills, but they have changed fundamentally in their approach. If we may note what they are doing today, it is just that. They go everywhere to experience everything from the perspective of a human, because being human is something they never knew before. They still have no problems with their acquaintances aging and dying quickly, but they long for Anunnaki women who can also experience being human so they can have a relationship that can last for millennia. Anunnaki couples will also stay together for millennia, but these relationships are to be judged completely differently. These New Anunnaki are always alone because their experience lasts for millennia, while a human barely reaches the age of eighty. But what the humans experience during this time is worth much to the New Anunnaki, which they are currently enjoying to the full, even though they know that one day the time will come when they will be abducted to Eden by the Anunnaki. The New Anunnaki will also one day reveal themselves, but that will take a very long time. Understandably, they wish to continue their present lives for as long as possible, as much will change for them when their true origins are revealed. They have influence, but they do not direct the destinies of humanity, for that would expel them from the earthly paradise, because that is also a rule they must follow. They have only themselves and no technology, so they can accomplish much mentally, but they have no higher technology that would guarantee them an advantage. We now conclude the entries on the Anunnaki and hope that we have been able to broaden your horizons so that you will not have any major problems when the official first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species starts in a few years’ time.

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