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B046: What happened when the uprising caused the Anunnaki to leave Earth? – Part 10
Today we are going to tell you something that has only a limited connection with the Tribunal, because we want to describe the underground city for the Solar Council on Mars. In about seventeen years, in 2040, you will have progressed in your interstellar explorations to the point where you will be granted a place on the Solar Council. The Solar Council now has twelve members and when you join it will only have twelve members, so one group in your star system will lose their council position. Is that negative, we ask? No, because this group has known about this for a very long time and they will be more represented in other councils than they are now. This species is unknown to you, but it looks remotely human, although we think that the species of the Greys also looks remotely similar to the human appearance, although the species of the Greys is a non-human species that has many manifestations. But this species is special and you will learn more and more about this species after the year 2030, even though it will not officially introduce itself yet. This species inhabits a known moon of Jupiter underground and we also believe that this species is the moon’s indigenous race. The moon houses a reservoir of water that allows this species to live. The species is not currently on Earth, although the future ensures that it too will mature into a terrestrial species. This species will inhabit many seas on Earth in the future and it will be able to provide a balance between land and water life. You will take great care of land life in the future and this species will do the same in the seas because the sea on Earth will be controlled by an intelligent terrestrial species. You will coexist peacefully and we also say that this species will always be an asset to any planet in your universe because they will keep the sea clean and healthy. You will have much to learn from them in the future and you will take care of yourselves because evolved species do. This species has been waiting a long time to make its home on Earth, which seems only too natural with life forms of their kind. They are suckling creatures that can exist on land and in water. But they will only inhabit the sea and they will cherish it as if it were their Garden of Eden. In the Council of Earth this species will have a say and no one will object because these beings are unique and always add value to a society on a planet. They are similar to you, even though every human will immediately notice external differences, but they are absolutely peaceful and technologically very advanced. At present they occupy a council seat which they expect to relinquish to the earthly surface people in 2040. The New Lemurians, who operate countless underground cities 72 kilometres down on your Earth, are not represented on this Solar Council, even though they maintain connections with beings in the Solar Council’s underground city on Mars. It is of no further interest to the New Lemurians, so they do not care about the goings-on in your star system. The reptoid species that gathered in your star system long ago provides many council members because they are the driving force in many star systems. The Anunnaki have the utmost respect for many of the far more advanced reptoid races because these reptoid races are not only technologically outstanding, but mentally as well. No Anunnaki would dream of challenging a reptoid race of this calibre, so reptoid beings can be considered like a legion of interstellar police. The stories that you can consume from prominent contemporaries that address these reptoid races are largely fictional because no living human has ever faced a reptoid being. And what you should think of your lore we need not explain again. The reptoid beings certainly look frightening to you, but only because you do not know them. There are individuals among earthly humans who act exceedingly human, but even the most human cannot come close to the humanity that these reptoid beings live. You cannot know all this because no human has ever received reliable information about this species. The Archons fall into the same pattern, except that they are more like you than any other species. Earthly humans can act exceedingly human, but in the next moment they can act incredibly brutal, and it is precisely these extremes that they share with the Archon species. We have already revealed in detail in the entries on the Archons that the Archons are just as indigenous to your star system. We have also explained that the archons exist on a different plane of existence in your universe, so that, strictly speaking, an earthly human lives in parallel with the archons on earth, only in different frequency ranges. The Archons are also represented in the Solar Council, but not in your Solar Council, but in their Solar Council on their plane of existence. They have built a pyramid on Mars in the same place for the solar council, only on their plane of existence, so that is also a central part of your universe, no matter what plane of existence you exist on. If Mars were to be destroyed on your plane of existence, in the long run it would affect the other planes of existence so that the spiritual world provides an interface so that you can consult across planes of existence. All this happens in the solar councils, which in turn have a council that can discuss with other planes of existence what they are interested in. There will always be common ground that can be discussed. The pyramid of the solar council is huge because the underground city is also huge and we measure the side length at 18 kilometres so the height is 17 kilometres. If you think that this must be the largest pyramid ever built, then you should measure the pyramids of the Anunnaki on Eden. Around the pyramid of the Solar Council are many housing complexes where the beings who work for the Solar Council live. The starship armada of the Solar Council is distributed throughout the star system, so that the starships that are allowed to land in the underground city have to go through a strict procedure beforehand. The area of the pyramid is cordoned off like a high-security building, so that beings are not allowed to enter the pyramid without reason. When you are ready, a delegation from Earth will take up quarters in a residential complex to carry out their duties in the pyramid. You will not only provide a councillor in the solar council, but countless councillors will ensure that everything is regulated inside and also outside the star system, so many humans will soon be busy representing Earth’s interests. The fact that these so-called diplomats are constantly working with different extraterrestrial species is also part of it, as is their ever-increasing consciousness, because the energies in the pyramid will see to that. There will be no parallel society of earthly humans there, but many friendships and relationships will be found there that can otherwise seldom develop in this way. With so many alien species and races coming and going, these so-called diplomats always have a lot to talk about when they visit Earth. What about an Earthly Council? Will the Earthly Council also work in a pyramid that is built on Earth? No, first you will be represented by the extraterrestrial race who will make official first contact with you and this human race will station massive Fleet Cruisers in orbit around Earth from which you will begin your work. When the extraterrestrial race represents you at the Solar Council you are always there, but you first learn the customs and rules before you are ready to represent your own interests at the Solar Council. The first so-called diplomats of Earth are appointed by the extraterrestrial race to represent Earth interests later. This will ensure that no Earth state begins to put its national interests first. When the first so-called diplomats are designated by the extraterrestrial race, they are always humans of integrity who are up to the task. Even if most of them today cannot even guess what else is in store for them. The next part will again concern the tribunal, because the prosecution and the defence have fought epic battles of words that are still unparalleled today.