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B034: What happened when the Anunnaki arrived on Earth? – Part 18
Today we tell you something that you did not expect, because not everything is as it seems. We have told you time and time again that the Anunnaki are an artificial species. We have also said that incarnations are forbidden to incarnate into Anunnaki beings because it should not be a school for beings to change their blueprint to gain an apparent advantage. So far so good. Everything we have revealed so far is true, but there is one important piece of information that we have not told you, because exceptions prove the rule. The younglings of the Anunnaki receive their spark of life from the soul that inhabits the Anunnaki home planet and rarely does it happen otherwise. The flesh of a twin in these rare cases is supplied by the life energy of an incarnation that has incarnated into this artificial being. Whether a being is inhabited by an incarnation or not is not readily ascertainable. However, when some Anunnaki were born unusually curious, the Anunnaki scientists found out that very few Anunnaki are inhabited by spiritual beings. These rarely encountered Anunnaki are not only characterised by their curiosity, but also feel the urge to change Anunnaki society. Changing Anunnaki society is something that the majority of the Anunnaki do not support, because the social pressure is too high to indulge in new social models. The Anunnaki, who have been given a lot of say because they have done a lot for society, would never voluntarily compromise their acquired status and thus lose influence – which seems to be so important for an Anunnaki. However, these inhabited Anunnaki are an exception because they had many ideas to make society more humane, even though everything is already done for each Anunnaki so that each Anunnaki can live like a prince or princess. But the inhabited Anunnaki were not satisfied with this, because strictly speaking an Anunnaki accumulates a lot of knowledge, but the Anunnaki does not become more human through this. Humanity is not encouraged by Anunnaki society, so an Anunnaki hardly reflects on his actions because he does not have to. The rules that society must follow are not difficult to understand, but the rules leave little room to develop freely, so that young Anunnaki take many centuries to become like an adult human on Earth in the area of social interaction. Even if they can exist for thousands of years, they will hardly develop in their interaction with their own kind or with other living beings, so that it can also be said that Anunnaki culture experienced a standstill millions of years ago that continues to this day. Any other species would have already taken the final evolutionary step during this time, because beings are constantly evolving physically, mentally and socially. The Anunnaki are not capable of this and they have developed a social structure that undermines any further development. The Anunnaki dogmas work strongly in every Anunnaki until the first Anunnaki appeared who were seen as rebels because they constantly found fault with the existing system. When it was realised that these fellow citizens were indeed different, Anunnaki society had to take action against these individuals. Here, however, their own dogmas got in the way, because they are not allowed to kill or banish Anunnaki. They therefore sought a way to control these unruly Anunnaki. The Anunnaki society came to realise that these Anunnaki must do something that interests them and, above all, keeps them busy, so that they do not come up with other ideas that have something to do with changing society. There are Anunnaki who mine gold in the universe. There are Anunnaki who guard and defend the secured areas of the Anunnaki sphere of influence like a space armada, and there are Anunnaki who ensure that coexistence runs harmoniously, so that the queens are also represented in this state apparatus with their legions. So there are different classes that do something for the Anunnaki society and there is a class where very young Anunnaki find their home, inhabited by incarnations. A class system would mean that offspring receive the class of the parents, but that is not the case with the Anunnaki, so Anunnaki society is like a cluster where the young Anunnaki have a choice of how to support society. However, one cluster of Anunnaki society is not voluntary and that is the Anunnaki cluster of the inhabited Anunnaki. The inhabited Anunnaki only know how to live in this cluster without having the option to do anything else. If during the maturing of an Anunnaki it is discovered that this Anunnaki is inhabited by a spiritual being, this being is given to the cluster of inhabited Anunnaki and the parents will never see this child again. When this happened in the past, the parents felt betrayed by society, so there was a time when the Anunnaki culture was threatened. And to make sure this doesn’t happen again, the maturing foetuses are always checked for this, so that it is easier for the parents to say goodbye immediately after birth than if they have been raising the child for a few years. The Anunnaki cluster of inhabited Anunnaki will care for these children so that they receive the affection they need, but they are trained to do their jobs at a young age. Many of these Anunnaki put themselves to sleep very young because one day they can no longer stand the monotonous work and want to end their existence. Young Anunnaki are cared for until they reconsider their death wish, but for the inhabited Anunnaki the care is limited. What do these inhabited Anunnaki do, we ask? They have the task of watching over society, so like bureaucrats they take on many tasks that the other Anunnaki are very happy to outsource to this Anunnaki cluster. They are constantly monitored and if an inhabited Anunnaki is careless in their work, they are locked up as if in a comfortable prison. Therefore, this Anunnaki quickly becomes aware of what he actually has to do if he does not want to stay alone in his house forever. Social contacts with other clusters of the Anunnaki culture are reduced to the bare minimum, so they live a life far removed from Anunnaki society. They have no opportunity to develop freely, so many of these Anunnaki choose premature death after many hundreds of years. The Anunnaki parents are well aware of what will happen to inhabited children. They fear inhabited offspring like the devil fears holy water, because then they are not assigned the all-important status of parenthood, so that they are denied the possibility of rapid social advancement. Therefore, the moment of determining whether it is an inhabited foetus is particularly nerve-wracking, but since very few offspring of the Anunnaki are inhabited, the danger to most parents is decidedly low. What else can we tell you about the inhabited Anunnaki, we ask? How about information about why an incarnation is allowed to incarnate in an Anunnaki foetus in the first place? What was the spiritual world thinking in allowing special incarnations to incarnate into an Anunnaki being, we ask? The hope that this will break the deadlock in Anunnaki society. If there are Anunnaki who have ideas and are stimulated to think by impulses from the spiritual world, then Anunnaki culture might one day experience a change. This change could lead the Anunnaki to change their self-designed Anunnaki blueprint again so that they can return to the human blueprint. Since almost every living being fears final death, species that can prolong their bodily existence will hardly voluntarily decide to renounce the artificial fountain of youth. Hardly any normal human being on earth wants to die earlier if they could live longer. But that is part of life, that one day the body will cease to function and you will awaken again as a spiritual being in the spiritual world. You are immortal, but only as consciousness. The physical body contributes its own body consciousness to your multidimensional consciousness as a life form and this body consciousness has the task of ensuring that the biological body is well under all circumstances. This body consciousness will dictate many behaviours that you can hardly counteract. However, once in a while inhabited Anunnaki are born in the hope that they will drive this change in Anunnaki society. This is the task that the incarnations in the spirit world set out to do when they agreed to live a life as Anunnaki for many centuries, knowing that they would be ostracised by Anunnaki society for doing so. One day, something will change for the Anunnaki. Either the Anunnaki species will die out because they will experience a change in society that will make them more human, or the stagnation of society will seal the doom of Anunnaki culture because the rest of the universe will have overtaken them in all respects. Which way the Anunnaki will go is not yet definitely predictable, but that the present Anunnaki way of life and culture is doomed is as certain as the Amen in the church.