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B029: What happened when the Anunnaki arrived on Earth? – Part 13
When the Anunnaki took off from Earth after the assassination with their men and without the tribute in their transport spaceship, the confusion was still enormous because still no one understood what the origin of what had happened was. They knew that first a guard attacked and killed an Anunnaki, but no one understood why it happened at all. The commander of the transport ship reported the incident to the mother ship and by the time the Anunnaki arrived there with the dead and injured, preparations were already being made on the mother ship for the injured Anunnaki to heal their wounds. The men in the transport spaceship still looked at each other completely confused because an Anunnaki had never experienced anything like this before. The Anunnaki acted the same way on Earth as they have been doing for several millions of years on many worlds and it always has something to do with the planets’ gold deposits. Never did the people on the planets rebel against their so-called gods, there were disagreements and often the Anunnaki had to use force, but only the native people on the planets ever died in the process and never an Anunnaki. The Anunnaki also had fights with equal beings who did not want to see the Anunnaki plundering underdeveloped planets, but these fights were far in the past and often the Anunnaki emerged victorious from these conflicts. But never had an Anunnaki been killed by a primitive human creature, there was no such thing. Now the unthinkable had actually happened on Earth and several Anunnaki lost their lives in a matter of moments. If this is already going to cause an outcry in Anunnaki society, the fact that this took place at a so-called sacred ceremony will hit Anunnaki society even deeper. The Anunnaki are an exceedingly proud people and this assassination not only resulted in the loss of face of the gods on Earth, but the Anunnaki were humiliated. Such news cannot be kept secret, so the assassination quickly made its rounds in the universe. This was an incredible moment not only for the Anunnaki, because the peoples in the universe who got wind of it could not believe what they heard. If it is then confirmed that several Anunnaki were killed by the local population during the delivery of the tribute, the long-built myth of the invincible Anunnaki is destroyed in an instant. Because the Anunnaki are so supremely proud, the attack was the greatest humiliation for Anunnaki society that they have ever experienced, because news of the attack detonated like a detonated bomb in all Anunnaki outposts and on their home planet. Anunnaki society was horrified that such a thing could happen at all. An Anunnaki thinks highly of himself, so the Anunnaki are basically very arrogant. If every Anunnaki is humiliated to the core in one fell swoop, then the situation can only be repaid by force of arms, so an example had to be made. This example was then to show all peoples that no one can act in this way against the Anunnaki. There were records of the deed and all the Anunnaki people looked at these records again and again. Now the Anunnaki as a people knew only one enemy and that was all earthly people, because the Anunnaki were convinced that the entire race of earth belonged to be punished. Three dead Anunnaki, there hadn’t been anything like that for a long time and before they knew it more and more Anunnaki were dying in the course of the conflict, but we will talk about that at length in the following entries. The commander of the Earth fleet was supposed to make sure that the dead Anunnaki were avenged, but the commander’s hands were also tied because there was no obvious culprit. Who should the commander punish? His only option was to put strong pressure on the priestly caste so that the Anunnaki’s anger and confusion would not be apparent to the common people. Gods will always act wisely and not rashly and hastily, so the commander was in an awkward position because Enki was demanding retribution from afar, but no one knew what it should look like. Enki could not risk the retaliation causing the mining of the gold to dry up, but the social pressure from the Anunnaki was so immense that Enki had to call for a crackdown. All the Anunnaki assumed that the assassination would be a one-off event and there lay their biggest mistake. The Anunnaki thought that if they cracked down now, everything on Earth would settle down again, but that was a complete misjudgement made by Enki. Enki is a very respected Anunnaki and when Enki says something, his word carries great weight. When a person has a great reputation, that person has to be very careful how they present themselves to the outside world because all eyes are on that person. A person’s reputation can open many doors, but it also always ensures that this person can hardly move forward, because a person’s reputation always includes factors that make up that reputation. If the weighty person were to make a mental leap because he has evolved, then he will also present himself differently to the outside world and then he can no longer live up to his firmly cemented reputation. Enki has a very far-reaching reputation as a war strategist and now the reputation was to be extended because Enki wanted to make a name for himself as a gold miner. Since Enki already had a reputation, gold mining not only had to expand that reputation, but gold mining was to be the glorious pinnacle with which Enki would then have immortalised himself in Anunnaki culture. But it did not come to pass because the Pharaoh had other plans and he was not favourably disposed towards the Anunnaki because he knew that the Anunnaki were not gods but mortal beings who deceived people and robbed them of their gold. The Pharaoh had made sure that all the important people in Egyptian culture witnessed how a so-called god could be assassinated by a human being. Since this incident claimed the lives of three so-called gods at the same time as the tribute was handed over, it was also beyond doubt for those present that the so-called gods were mortal men. These so-called gods can bleed and also panic when faced with an unusual situation. Everything that the Anunnaki had built up over thousands of years was destroyed in an instant and we do not just mean the reputation of the Anunnaki on Earth. What happened next we will now list chronologically.
- The crew of the transport spaceship returned to the mother ship with the dead and injured Anunnaki and they reported back on what all was happening on Earth. Enki had not been on site for a very long time, but Enki was one of the first Anunnaki to hear about it. All the other agencies only got an abbreviated report at first, so that the fleet command at Earth could first coordinate with their supreme commander. Enki was more than stunned by what had happened and was not aware of the consequences of what had actually happened on Earth. That is why, as the head of the gold miners of Earth, he gave the order that people on Earth must be punished for this, so that the retribution could be heard far and wide. Enki wanted an example to be made so that every human being would think twice about rebelling against the gods.
- The fleet command was at a loss as to how to deal with this situation. The tribute was still waiting to be collected and the order to make an example could not be easily implemented either because no one knew if there were those behind the attack. The priestly caste could not be punished because the Anunnaki needed the priests. The Pharaoh was untouchable and the common people would not understand at all why they were being punished for something none of them had done. The situation was deadlocked so the fleet command asked Enki how the example should be made because there was no obvious culprit for this. Enki was incensed, but he also had to realise that this situation was very delicate, so he decided to go and see what was going on. The gold was to remain where it was because Enki wanted to see the situation for himself.
- Enki arrived at the fleet and together they discussed the situation so Enki decided that three of the Pharaoh’s bodyguards should be executed for it. Enki was absolutely sure that the Pharaoh would obey the order because Enki still did not understand that it was the Pharaoh who ordered the assassin. The assassin was dead, so the Anunnaki had no way of knowing if there were any people behind him. Three dead bodyguards should put everyone’s mind at rest for the time being.
- The Pharaoh was asked by his so-called gods to sacrifice three of his bodyguards for the sacrilege of the sacred ceremony, so that Enki could show himself benevolent. The Pharaoh had no choice but to sacrifice three of his bodyguards for the death of the three Anunnaki. The sacrificial ceremony was not closed off from the public, however, but the Pharaoh arranged for there to be a public sacrificial ceremony where it was explained to everyone present beforehand exactly why these three bodyguards were to die in the first place. When the high-ranking people present, like the common people, learned that a man had killed a god and that two other gods had also died in a skirmish, the amazement of those present was great. The people realised that these gods were mortal, they could bleed and panic when faced with a new situation they had not known before. There were many people present when the bodyguards were stabbed through the throat. No one understood why three bodyguards should be sacrificed at the behest of the gods, because now no one present believed that these beings were gods either. The Pharaoh was completely satisfied, so that he now began to accuse the priestly caste of not having realised what gods they were. The priestly caste itself began to relax the situation with many attempts at explanation. They put forward many explanatory models as to how it was possible that gods could also die, but among the common people the seeds of doubt were sown and the death of the Anunnaki spread like wildfire.