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B024: What happened when the Anunnaki arrived on Earth? – Part 8
When the first Anunnaki first set foot on the earthly planet, he did not know that this planet would play a fateful role in the history of the Anunnaki. When the Anunnaki occupy a planet, the same situations will always occur over a very long period of time because the Anunnaki follow a master plan that they devised a long time ago. This master plan always involves a human species being culturally nurtured and when the native culture is newly formed, the Anunnaki will always act as the local deities to be worshipped and adored by the native species. When this god status has been achieved, then the so-called gods demand tributes worthy of a god from the native species. Gods love gold, so the so-called gods always appear with a lot of pomp beforehand. This is to make the native species understand unequivocally that these so-called gods not only like to show themselves in their own gold, but gold could be excellent as tribute for these gods. Therefore, immediately after the appearance of the Anunnaki, the native species began to give their gold tributes to the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki always gladly accepted these tributes and also explained to the native species where the rich gold deposits were in their territory so that the tributes to the so-called gods could be ever more abundant. All this is written down in the master plan for the plundering of gold deposits on planets. In this master plan, not only are all the procedures described in detail, but there is also a solution for every situation that could occur unexpectedly. But nowhere in this master plan is it described how the Anunnaki should react if a great uprising of the native species is directed against their gods. Not a single Anunnaki could ever have imagined that their sophisticated plans would one day be seen through by an underdeveloped species, and that these local tribes would be able to band together to act fearlessly against these so-called gods. Enki never suspected that a local species would rise up against him, nor did he suspect that as the supreme god of an underdeveloped species he could be defeated by that species. No Anunnaki ever expected that he could ever face any danger from an underdeveloped human species. In the mind of an Anunnaki, an Anunnaki is a superior being to a human and these lower life forms have no right to oppose an Anunnaki. No matter where an Anunnaki appeared, he was immediately noticed for his physical strength, because an Anunnaki is not very tall, but an Anunnaki impresses by his muscular appearance. An Anunnaki was recognised from afar and all people on all planets had great reverence for these so-called gods. The Anunnaki impressed by their mere appearance and they had all kinds of magic tricks up their sleeves to further impress the native species. Technologically, they are so far ahead of the native species that no native being has ever raised a hand against an Anunnaki. The master plan of the Anunnaki is also always that it is not the Anunnaki who rule a planet, but emissaries of the native beings have been taught how to rule the native beings properly. The Anunnaki hardly ever get their own hands dirty because native groups are always supported to do the dirty work. When Enki gained dominion over the Earth, he himself was not even on the planet. The plundering of a planet is always decided in the councils of the Anunnaki assigned to it, so Enki got the nod to plunder Earth’s gold deposits. The Harbingers, who surveyed the Earth for potential gold deposits, reported that the Earth had a large deposit of gold and that there was a human species there that was technologically underdeveloped. Therefore, this planet had exactly the right conditions that made the mining of gold very worthwhile. What was Enki thinking when he got the nod for Earth, we ask? He knew long ago that it would be he who would win the bid because Enki is a famous Anunnaki who can exert a lot of influence. The other gold promoters had no way of objecting to this. Enki is a very proud Anunnaki who is extremely eager to have his name associated only with exceedingly glorious deeds, which has been the case up to this moment. Enki had earned a brilliant reputation as a war strategist. No one was ever able to inflict defeat on the great Enki, so the great Enki rode a wave of success that was hard to break until Enki decided to become a great gold miner as well. Earth, of all places, was to further build his reputation because Earth had a large gold deposit that seemed truly remarkable. Enki could indeed mine a lot of gold and he loved to be worshipped by the lower human beings. However, as profound as the devotion of the humans seemed, they were just as ruthless when they opposed the great Enki because they had had enough of the way these so-called gods treated them. Since human races are very inventive in this when it comes to their survival, they launched many counter-reactions that in no time led to an escalation that came as such a surprise to the Anunnaki that they found nothing about it in their master plan. They did not understand at first how to react to the rebellion of the human race on Earth.
Everything we are about to report happened exactly as it did, and we are not adding anything to these events, nor are we presenting the facts in a false light. The entries that now follow describe the uprising of the people of the Mediterranean exactly as it was carried out. Everything we report on this can be regarded as a contemporary document. We will not portray the actions of the Anunnaki as worse than they were. But neither will we portray the actions of the humans as better than they were. We are now giving a very sober and objective account of what happened on Earth when Enki lost control of the Earthly humans. These events have gone down in the history of the Anunnaki as the great defeat and the sufferer is Enki. Not only did Enki lose Earth, but the reputation of the Anunnaki in the universe was permanently damaged to such an extent that even today, thousands of years later, every Anunnaki knows about what happened on Earth. The Anunnaki hold a grudge against every earthly human being, which every Anunnaki has already had drilled into them in their children’s stories. No matter what good earthly humanity might do for the Anunnaki species, earthly humans will never lose this characteristic of evil and vile earthly humans in the eyes of the Anunnaki. When Enki lost his reputation because the underdeveloped humans of Earth defeated the great Enki, Enki vowed that the earthly humans would pay a heavy price. So did the earthly people and the so-called Flood was initiated by Enki as revenge so that the people of the planet would be wiped out. Not a single human being, man, woman or child, was to survive and ever be able to tell the story of the defeated Enki. It turned out differently and how it began and how it ended we will record in great detail for posterity. You, as the surviving human species on Earth, should also know exactly who you will be dealing with when, many years after your official first contact, the non-human species are also allowed to come to Earth to pay their respects. Then one day the delegation of the Anunnaki will come to you and guess who is leading this delegation of the Anunnaki? That’s right! Enki will come to you on Earth with many followers and Enki wants to take revenge for the disgrace of the expulsion from Earth. This chapter will never let Enki rest, but we will prepare you so that earthly humanity will not fall for his tricks and attempts at manipulation. We have already revealed some information about this and we will address Enki’s plan in detail because we have permission from the spirit world to do so. Just as the Anunnaki are allowed to support and defend certain tribes on a planet, we from the spirit world are allowed to teach individuals, which can also be considered a form of defence. We are not allowed to intervene directly, but we have the scribbler who will reveal much for us so that you do not fall into the traps that Enki has been preparing for a very long time.