B021: What happened when the Anunnaki arrived on Earth? – Part 5
When the Anunnaki began to mine the gold on earth on a large scale, they did many things to make sure that the people also understood why they should mine the gold for the gods. The Anunnaki knew very well that the people needed a plausible explanation so that they would extract the gold for the gods from the earth over a longer period of time. The Anunnaki themselves shun physical exertion, even though they seem made for it, but they prefer to delegate gold mining rather than participate in it themselves. If gold is to be mined on a planet for centuries, then the beings on the planet need an incentive to accomplish this for the so-called gods. This incentive is buried in the culture of the people, which was first created by the Anunnaki at their peak. The Anunnaki always reshaped the existing culture to suit their purposes. These reshapes led to Enki being the supreme god over all other gods in one form or another. It was Enki who explained that his gods needed the gold so urgently, because only with the gold are the gods able to prevent great disasters. At that time, gods had a different status than they have today. Gods were not recognised as immortal beings as you assume today about your so-called god, but gods were considered super-beings at that time who could do many things, but they were not immortal mystical beings. Therefore, it was easy for Enki to convince the cultures that the gods desperately needed this gold so that they could do many things that otherwise would not be possible. When Seth began to prepare the cultures of Earth for the fact that Enki would soon come to make this request, Seth learned a great deal from these people. Seth always had to first determine what the basic order was in each culture and then reshape it according to the will of the Anunnaki. The culture was doing excellently at this time because a great deal of knowledge was transferred so that the culture could be reshaped accordingly. The heyday of these cultures was at the time when Seth initiated this reshaping and only later, when society had reshaped itself and the cult of the gods was very pronounced, did Enki and his entourage appear. Seth had to move on to reshape the culture that Enki would visit afterwards because Enki only appeared where large gold deposits were suspected. The technology of the Anunnaki is very sophisticated and they knew exactly where the large gold deposits were to be found. Seth had already prepared the culture for this, so gold mining was not new to them, but what happened when Enki arrived was something no culture could have imagined. Enki made them toil mercilessly to plunder the gold resources. Why did the people go along with it then, if Enki was so merciless with his demands, we ask? Because social pressure forced them to do everything the gods commanded and anyone who resisted was ostracised by society because the population had grown up with the cult of the gods. Acting for the gods was very cleverly put into the people by Seth, so that the advantage around the cult now turned into the opposite. What happened when Enki travelled from one place to another to mine gold?
First, we will tell you exemplarily how a place was mined by the Anunnaki and how long such gold mining lasted in one place, so that you understand why the Anunnaki had the patience to collect the gold on one planet for thousands of years.
- The common Anunnaki has a life span of tens of thousands of years. When a common Anunnaki reaches the age of 70,000 years, something less is more accurate, he will voluntarily put himself to sleep. Anunnaki could live to be over 100,000 years old, but few Anunnaki do that to themselves.
- When the Anunnaki arrive on a planet, they remain undetected at first because they are busy for centuries relocating the people groups to the right areas, which they do very strategically. Where the people groups are gathered, the rich gold deposits are located nearby.
- Once a large enough population is gathered in such a place with high gold deposits, the Anunnaki begin to manipulate the global unity memory of the native species on an astral plane. This does not take long, but should be mentioned.
- Now the Anunnaki begin to reveal themselves, which is to be called the Return of the Gods. From the day of the official arrival, until these people groups can be transformed into an advanced culture, centuries, if not a millennium, pass. In all that time, this culture supplies the Anunnaki with gold, which they slowly extract from the earth more and more effectively. Only when the advanced civilisation is in its heyday does the so-called supreme god come and the tiresome drudgery of the people begins, because now the gold extraction rate is increased. Professional gold mining continues for many decades until the gold has almost completely reached the Anunnaki. When this point in time has been reached, a subordinate god has been extracting the last gold reserves for further decades. In the meantime, the so-called superior god seeks out the next advanced civilisation. When all advanced civilisations in turn had drastically increased their gold extraction, the Anunnaki withdrew from the extracted area and then, after many millennia, left the gold-emptied planet forever as their gods.
- Anunnaki grow quite old and when these Anunnaki start to rid the alien planets of their gold reserves in a space troop, they only do this one activity and nothing else. They love to be worshipped by the not very advanced humans. That is why they feel no hurry, for the gold store on Eden is always richly filled. Plundering the gold reserve in a short time is neither necessary nor does it promise any pleasure for an Anunnaki to collect this gold under stressful situations. The gold output of an Anunnaki is significant to the Anunnaki, but they have many tens of thousands of years to do it, so Anunnaki will occupy a planet for many millennia without those millennia being obvious to an Anunnaki.
Seth, of course, was there longer, but we will come to that much later with our reports. If Seth had prepared a culture, then the cult had already been established for several decades. When Enki paid his respects, it was in the prime of society, so that there was no resistance yet in society, which was slowly blazing and fed by Enki’s claims. Enki appeared in the heyday of high culture, only to exploit it, which was always accompanied by the mood tipping after many years. The compulsion of the cult of the gods nevertheless helped the Anunnaki to continue, because society forced itself to do everything for the gods, even if the demands produced great suffering. This dogmatic adherence to a cult is still familiar to humanity today with all its religious manifestations, and because these religious manifestations are so deeply rooted in human beings, a society that submits to these dogmatic behaviours can easily be directed. This is how the Anunnaki also directed the advanced civilisations, so that shortly after the arrival of Enki it was announced that gold must be mined on a large scale because the culture must pay homage to the gods so that they could do good with it. Gold mining was ramped up and all the people of the culture were very impressed by Enki so they went to work with great motivation to mine the needed gold. The extraction rate was gradually increased, so that the mood of the population gradually sank. The first resistance to the approach flared up, which was mercilessly extinguished by the population itself. Seth had done a good job so that the extraction rate was further increased. When there are many people in charge of gold mining, there are many people working hard and many people directing and controlling the gold mining. The social constraints always required a large state apparatus that could also direct all this, so that resistance only broke out among the hard-working people. The so-called state apparatus ensured that the hard-working people were better off. However, there came a time when the targets for production were so astronomical that the state apparatus no longer had any possibility of relieving the hard-working population, so that violence by the state apparatus became commonplace. A two-class society arose that was hostile to each other and only the deeply rooted cult of the gods could hold this society together so that gold could continue to be mined. There came a time when either the mining of gold was no longer profitable or the society would collapse, then it was time for Enki to visit the next culture to start again. When Enki left a place, there was still a lot of gold to be extracted, but he left that to the so-called gods who were settled under him. These gods then ensured, in one form or another, that the society continued to be busy extracting the remaining gold. Most of the time they drastically reduced the amount mined, which always ensured that society calmed down again. Enki, however, made the great mistake of underestimating some cultures. His arrogance towards the earthly people ensured that Enki suffered his greatest defeat, which ultimately chased him from the earth and which is still firmly rooted in the culture of the Anunnaki today.